Slovenia - Articoli

The Switzerland of the Balkans

25/06/2021 -  Stefano Lusa Koper

Thirty years ago Slovenia proclaimed its independence. Now the pendulum that carried Ljubljana towards the West seems to be swinging backwards fast, and the models are no longer Paris or Berlin but rather Budapest and Warsaw, with their illiberal democracies

Slovenia: fuel to the fire

10/06/2021 -  Stefano Lusa Koper

With a shaky government and without a solid majority in parliament, Prime Minister Jansa keeps adding fuel to the fire, conceding nothing to allies and opponents

Heroes without borders

28/05/2021 -  Stefano Lusa Koper

In many territories on the border between Italy and Slovenia, a climate of integration had finally been reached, but the measures introduced to limit the pandemic have changed everything. Neither Rome nor Ljubljana worried that much, but some, with creativity, "took the field" in favour of the complexity, interests, and relationships of cross-border areas

Slovenia: saving the STA

18/05/2021 -  Stefano Lusa Capodistria

Thirty years after its foundation, the future of the Slovenian News Agency is at risk. Janez Jansa's government has blocked state funding pending the delivery of a number of documents. For the agency, however, the request is an undue political interference

A historic verdict: Italy's pushbacks to Slovenia are illegal

26/01/2021 -  Nicole Corritore

The application of the readmission agreement between Italy and Slovenia is illegitimate. This was confirmed by the Court of Rome, that accepted the appeal of a Pakistani citizen who had arrived in Trieste via the Balkan route and was then pushed back to Slovenia and then Bosnia and Herzegovina

Habitats, species, ecosystems: the state of nature in south-east Europe

10/12/2020 -  Pietro Stefani

The latest report from the European Environment Agency (EEA) paints a grave picture of the EU’s environmental situation, which requires urgent attention from member states if current trends are to be reversed. A look at south-east Europe

Journalists in Europe: one attack per day

18/08/2020 -  Paola Rosà

The data from the first four months of monitoring by the MFRR consortium confirm a concerning landscape for the safety of journalists and the state of media freedom, both in EU member countries and in countries as Serbia and Turkey

What future for Koper's port

18/07/2019 -  Charles Nonne Ljubljana

Slovenia's only port, the Port of Koper (Luka Koper) has record sales every year and traffic continues to grow. Envied by the great powers and by the landlocked countries of Central Europe; continuously challenged by its main rival, Trieste

Heatwaves: global warming threatens more than 100,000 Slovenes

26/02/2019 -  Lenart J. Kučić

Longer uninterrupted heat periods in Slovenia will be increasingly frequent and intense. The country does not have an integrated strategy to combat climate change yet

Bears return to the Alps

22/01/2019 -  Laura Pes

In the collective imagination, bears are one of the wild animals with which humanity has struggled the most over the course of history. After virtual extermination, the reintroduction of bears in a number of European countries is arousing enthusiasm as well as perplexity

Defending Balkan rivers

25/10/2018 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

In the Balkans, the construction is planned of 2,800 hydroelectric power plants – mostly small, but with devastating impact on the river environment. A group of activists and an annual Balkan Rivers Tour emerged to defend these waterways

Collio and Brda, together towards UNESCO

18/10/2018 -  Giovanni Vale

Hills extending on the border between Italy and Slovenia, terracing, and dirt paths – an ideal location for wine production. This area, once divided by the Iron Curtain, today could symbolically unite

Tito and Vallarsa: The history of a legend

10/10/2018 -  Marco Abram

Trentino and Yugoslavia narrated through a legend: roots of Marshal Josip Broz Tito in Vallarsa

Cycling in the city: Ljubljana takes inspiration from the Dutch model

26/02/2018 -  Lucia Bruni

Ljubljana is among the most accessible European capitals for cycling, and among the cities which have invested most in this mode of transport. An interview with Lea Ružič, president of the Ljubljana Cyclists Network

Finding Tito

04/09/2017 -  Giorgio Comai

Recently Zagreb city assembly decided to rename the square named after Josip Broz Tito. But how many streets and squares in the former Yugoslavia are dedicated to the former Yugoslav President?

The countries of former Yugoslavia at Rio 2016

04/08/2016 -  Natalia Kawana

Yugoslavia participated in many Summer Olympics, winning a record of 18 medals in 1984. Now its successor states all have hopes for medals, in spite of their young history of participating in the event as independent states

Istria: being young in the 70's

14/07/2016 -  Davide Sighele

A documentary portrays the life of the Italian community in Istria through the eyes of children and teenagers. An interview with its director, Sabrina Benussi

EU: the fall

03/02/2016 -  Stefano Lusa Capodistria

Dramatic days in the history of the Union have disturbing similarities with the early '90s, when everything changed very quickly and Yugoslavia collapsed

Slovenia, full rights for LGBT couples

20/03/2015 -  Stefano Lusa Capodistria

A process that began in the eighties is about – perhaps – to come to completion 35 years later. Slovenia's new Family Code puts LGBT couples on the same level as heterosexual ones. But the shadow of a possible referendum looms on the new law

Anuška Delić, a journalist under prosecution

29/01/2015 -  SEEMO

Exposing the links between a major political party and an extreme right wing organization has resulted in criminal charges against a journalist, in democratic Slovenia. The story of Anuška Delić

Slovenia: tabloid journalism on the rise

05/12/2014 -  Stefano Lusa Koper

A tragic event shows the downhill path taken by Slovenian journalism – more and more scandal, less and less ethics

Slovenia, renewable energy comes from the Alps

19/11/2014 -  Nataša Stuper

Low-consumption buildings, revamp of the regional economy, and environmental benefits: all thanks to wood. A review on European projects on energy efficiency carried out by Slovenia

Slovenia: the media market challenges

19/08/2014 -  Marzia Bona

Slovenian media market is assessed as free by the main international watchdogs, although under a strong State influence and lacking strategic private ownership. An interview with Marko Milosavljević, Head of the Department of Journalism at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Lubiana

Why Slovenia took to the streets

21/01/2013 -  Franco Juri

Demonstrations in Slovenia have been going on for weeks and a public sector strike is scheduled for January 23rd. The analysis

Slovenia, Janša can wait

21/10/2011 -  Stefano Lusa

After the centre-left government led by Borut Pahor resigned, Slovenia’s political destiny appeared to be doomed to a turn to the right. Former Prime Minister Janez Janša was considered likely to win the next early elections, due to take place on 4 December. However, things have recently taken a dramatic turn

Slovenia: the partisan's Euro

12/04/2011 -  Stefano Lusa Koper

The five point star has returned to European coins over twenty years after the fall of the Berlin wall. Slovenia has just issued a million coins for two euro dedicated to a legendary partisan commander, Franc Rozman

The Greek crisis seen from Slovenia: the “Southern Brothers” syndrome

19/05/2010 -  Stefano Lusa Koper

For decades, Slovenians looked with growing bother at the aids destined to the “less developed areas” of Yugoslavia, often considering them an unjust squander intended for the privileged and the lazy. Today, with the Greek crisis, in Ljubljana the syndrome of the “Southern brothers” seems to have reappeared, but this time in an EU context

From soldiers to caregivers

02/03/2010 -  Stefano Lusa

The Slovenian weekly newspaper Mladina has proposed the following: abolish the army and transform soldiers into either caregivers for the elderly or emergency management staff. More than five thousand people have already signed a petition in support of the proposal and the debate is heating up. Insight from our correspondent

Slovenia: 1989 or 1992?

28/12/2009 -  Stefano Lusa Koper

In Slovenia, the period from the second half of the ‘80s until the country's independence in 1992 saw the beginning of the Yugoslav crisis, the emergence of nationalism, and Ljubljana’s final separation from Belgrade. A contribution to the dossier "The long lasting ’89"

Longing for Mitteleuropa: the Slovenian 1989

12/11/2009 -  Stefano Lusa Capodistria

From architecture to literature, from language to skiing, a look at Slovenia - the country that entered 1989 gradually turning its back on the Balkans. A contribution to our dossier The long lasting '89.