Nel 2013 250.000 cittadini europei hanno aderito ad un'iniziativa civica su pluralismo e libertà dei media, senza però raggiungere l'obiettivo del milione di firme necessarie. Il problema di armonizzare le normative europee sul tema della libertà e del pluralismo dei media resta all'ordine del giorno. Quale la situazione alla vigilia della nuova Commissione europea? Un'intervista a Lorenzo Marsili
The European Parliament recently adopted a resolution on media freedom and pluralism. How many voted in favour, and how many against? Did geography and ideology make an impact on the vote? A brief analysis
“The crisis of today’s Europe is not a ‘Schengen crisis’ but a ‘Dublin crisis’”. An interview with Gianfranco Schiavone, Italian jurist and expert on migration issues
Human rights activists are essential to the functioning of democratic societies, but they are all too often subject to threats and arrests. To safeguard their lives and their work, the EU has adopted various instruments, one of which is the “shelter city”
Ljubljana is among the most accessible European capitals for cycling, and among the cities which have invested most in this mode of transport. An interview with Lea Ružič, president of the Ljubljana Cyclists Network
Come il caso bosniaco sveli contraddizioni tutte europee. Una tesi del master "Corso di perfezionamento in mediazione con l'area balcanico-adriatico-danubiana" M.A.B.A.D