Soffocato nella violenza, osteggiato da varie forze politiche, ripetutamente cancellato per la presunta incapacità dello stato di garantire l’incolumità dei partecipanti. Il Pride di Belgrado ha una storia molto travagliata. Le sue varie anime si sono ritrovate per discuterne insieme, in un confronto serrato
Cases of family violence, particularly against women, are not decreasing in Serbia. Now, however, the fight against abuse can count on two more forces – the Museum of violence that just opened in Belgrade and the many people who danced for One Billion Rising
The appearance of the Cyrillic alphabet on the new Euro banknotes has been welcomed as a sign of trust of the European economic system in the Balkan Countries. It is Cyrillic, however, that underpins three ticklish controversies, in Serbia and Croatia
What principles should underpin Serbia's educational system from now to 2020? The answer lies in the Strategy for the Development of Education, recently adopted by the government. The document, however, does not appeal to many intellectuals denouncing it subjects education to nationalism and the market economy
Il teatro come strumento di inclusione sociale. E' questo il tema sul quale ha lavorato quest'anno il festival "Fuori dagli schemi" di Belgrado. Affrontando la tensione tra il promuovere l’integrazione dei gruppi marginali e il rischio che la loro ‘rappresentazione’ possa invece rafforzare lo stigma
Ingiusta, scandalosa, politicamente motivata. L’assoluzione di Gotovina e Markač da parte del Tribunale penale internazionale provoca l’indignazione della leadership serba e di gran parte dell’opinione pubblica del paese
Three years ago, the elimination of visa requirements for Western Balkan citizens to travel in the EU was a breath of fresh air. Now, however, due to the numerous asylum requests, the Western Balkans are facing the threat of the measure being revoked. The case of Serbia, between asylum seekers and re-admissions
A few months ago, Belgrade introduced the BusPlus system, which was supposed to revolutionize the city's public transport. But technological innovations have only masked the inefficiency and poor state of public transport. And violence against those who do not pay the ticket is increasing
In Serbia un sito smaschera gli artifici retorici dei candidati alle elezioni del prossimo 6 maggio. Per rendere gli elettori più consapevoli e i politici più responsabili. Dopo le "ruspe" di Otpor durante le proteste contro Milošević, le "demolizioni" di
The demonstrations that took place in the Bosnian capital over the past months, from those against social degradation to those against corruption in politics and in the sports world, mark the growth of a civil society free from nationalist rhetoric