
Baku: Street photography in the time of Covid-19

Azerbaijan has been under virtual lockdown since March 24, when the government strictly limited public movement in an effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus. Photographer Emin Mathers used his regular walks to the grocery store to document how his fellow Bakuvians dress during their precious moments outdoors during the time of Covid-19

Serbia, pots against the regime

06/05/2020 -  Antonela Riha Belgrade

While Serbia is awaiting the revocation of the state of emergency, some citizens have been protesting against the government by beating on pots from the balconies for days. On the other hand, hooligans loyal to power roam the rooftops threatening public security and democracy itself

Croatia, the financial consequences of Covid-19

08/05/2020 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

Also Croatia is entering the so-called phase 2. While the health emergency seems to be under control, the economic situation is worrying. The lockdown could bring out the structural problems of an economy which is mainly tourism-based

Kosovo, political crisis in times of coronavirus

23/04/2020 -  Arta Berisha Pristina

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Kosovo is grappling with a political crisis: the struggle between President Hashim Thaçi and no-confidenced premier Albin Kurti. The victim of the clash could be – once again – the country's constitutional structure

Bosnia and Herzegovina: requiem for Dr. Pašagić

24/04/2020 -  Ahmed Burić Sarajevo

The death of well-known Sarajevo epidemiologist Šefik Pašagić is a tragic story that has its roots in Bosnian medical malpractice. In a final, bitter paradox, the deceased has been blamed for his own death

Željko Bodrožić: the state of emergency smothers the Serbian media

17/04/2020 -  Dragan Janjić Belgrade

According to Željko Bodrožić, president of the Association of Independent Journalists of Serbia (NUNS), the state of emergency has only worsened the situation of non-aligned media, often subject to the discredit of the media controlled by power

Croatia, journalists beaten up on a Ustasha Easter

15/04/2020 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

In Sirobuja, on the outskirts of Split, a clandestine mass was held on the day of Catholic Easter, in spite of all the prohibitions imposed by the coronavirus epidemic. The journalists documenting the fact were beaten up and verbally abused

Greece and COVID-19, in prisons isolation is not enough

09/04/2020 -  Elvira Krithari Atene

Greece's overcrowded prison system provides poor protection for prisoners against the coronavirus epidemic. At the moment, there are no cases reported in prisons, but late intervention is likely to prove useless and harmful

Serbia, coronavirus, and autocracy

08/04/2020 -  Antonela Riha Belgrade

The Covid-19 pandemic is likely to be used by the Serbian authorities to violate the Constitution, break laws, and even formally attempt to introduce censorship – all this by manipulating citizens' fears

Branko Čečen: let us do our job

03/04/2020 -  Branko Čečen Belgrade

A comment by the director of Serbia's Center for Investigative Journalism after the Serbian government recently introduced a measure that restricts freedom of information during a state of emergency. A ruling that the Serbian Prime Minister declared will be withdrawn