Per raccogliere materiali e testimonianze per un progetto di ricerca sulle politiche giovanili nel Caucaso del nord, Giorgio Comai, ricercatore di Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso, ha incontrato ragazzi e ragazze provenienti da diverse parti del Caucaso. Un'occasione per sentire cosa pensano dell'Europa i giovani della regione, come la vivono, come la immaginano. Una serie di brevi interviste che iniziano sempre con la stessa domanda: “ti senti europeo?”

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Reportage realizzato da Giorgio Comai. Milena Gavrilović ha collaborato alle interviste realizzate a Seliger.


Their identity is not based on the past, but on their commitment to a common project for the future. They are members of a yet-to-become Europe: the Europe of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. They consider the EU as a peace project, but they look beyond the borders of Brussels’ Europe. Go to the new dossier of Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso

Block: Video (Manual)

  • Da Mosca al Caucaso e ritorno

Neve, pianura, montagne, mare. Dal finestrino di un treno. In due minuti, un viaggio di 78 ore, da Mosca a Vladikavkaz per poi continuare dall'Ossezia del Nord, attraverso Kabardino-Balkaria e Karačaevo-Circassia, fino a Sochi, sulle coste del mar Nero.

Youth and politics in the Caucasus

In the Caucasus, a new generation is growing with no direct memories of the USSR. Young people that are trying to build their own future, that look for a job and that more and more often play an active role in politics. They use the internet to stay in touch with each other and to organise social actions. In the northern Caucasus, the Russian government tries to fight unemployment and extremist movements supporting entrepreneurship and patriotism. In the South Caucasus, young people play an active role in the political life of their country, often struggling against those in power.

Read about dreams and daily life of youth in the Caucasus in this dossier by Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso