
14/10/2011 - 


Access to the area is straightforward by car from Peja/Peć, in Western Kosovo. For accommodation and hiking in the valley you may contact “Rugova Experience” in Peja/Peć itself:

Rugova Experience


Mbretëreshë Teut

30000 Peja Kosovo

For climbing you can contact the Rugova Valley Spiders, or Marimangat:

Marimangat e Pejës


Vrtytit Morina


The Marimangat website provides details on the various climbing areas which are usually easily accessible. The cliffs called Spider's Beach, in particular the area called “Fifth Kilometre”, to the right of the road, are the most popular due to being right

behind the main road. Here there are about 10 routes ranging from 20 to 80 metres in length, with difficulties going from Grade 3 to a 7c. It is pegged with spits and has carabiners with chains for top anchorage.