A refugee family forced by the police to get off a bus and abandoned in a forest at a temperature of 11 degrees below zero, near the border with Bulgaria. An attempt of illegal expulsion?
After a controversial and divisive referendum, what is the outlook for Hungary and the region on the subject of refugees? We interviewed Gábor Gyulai, of the Hungarian Helsinki Committee
In Greece, 20,000 minor refugees have recently started attending local schools. This decision has caused both fear and denial, but the majority of the population is in favour
On 2 October, Hungary will vote on a EU refugee distribution scheme. The government, who is calling on the population to reject the Commission's proposal, recently stepped up a taxpayer-funded campaign many say is xenophobic and fear-mongering
On the border between Serbia and Hungary, the situation is dramatic. Thousands of people, crammed into makeshift camps, are waiting to cross the border into the EU. Reportage
How to report on migration? How to respect the rights of asylum seekers, refugees, and minorities? The case of Greece and the proposal of the "Charter of Idomeni"
A review of some conflictual issues dividing Member States dealing with the refugee crisis. Interview with Irene Wieczorek, researcher at the Institute for European Studies
Sana Aljendi is a Syrian migrant, currently living in Turkey. For Sana, today Syria is just a box full of jewelry and memories of Damascus, her home city
Criminalising volunteers who act in solidarity with migrants and refugees is a way of detering European civic society from getting involved. Further mobilisation is the answer
A still landscape of clay, low trees, and white rocks. Albania looks with apprehension at its southern border, increasing patrols should any refugee appear. A report
The Balkan route shutdown is prompting a humanitarian crisis in Greece. The situation in the north of the country: interview with Despina Syrri
For the vast majority of refugees and migrants, using the Turkish network of traffickers is the only choice in order to start the journey along the Balkan Route. Our report
One of the main TV stations in Bulgaria, bTV, glorifies a man who hunts migrants and wants them dead. This is the story
The flow of migrants and refugees along the Balkan trail is turning into a humanitarian crisis, with no recognition of the needs of vulnerable categories. Reports of violence by the Bulgarian police
The government in Sofia has recently strengthened the laws against people-trafficking, in an attempt to strike the local criminal organizations who are finding in the migrants a new source of income
The journey of migrants and refugees from the Serbian capital to the identification camp of Opatovac, in Croatia
5,500 refugees, mostly from Syria and Afghanistan, have reached the small Greek island of Tilos in two years
The Hungarian wall, on the border with Serbia, casts a first curtain on the Balkan Trail, forcing refugees to change course and head to Croatia, making their journey even more difficult. Seventh and final episode of our correspondent's diary
The NGO Legis is one of the few organizations working with migrants and refugees in Macedonia. An interview with Mersiha Smailovikj, one of the founders of Legis, provides a complex picture of the situation
Our correspondent continues his journey with the refugees crossing the Balkan Trail. For many, the stop in Belgrade is a time for resting after the fatigues of the long journey. Sixth episode
From Macedonia to the border with Serbia. The refugees cross the border and head for Preševo. Fifth episode of the travelogue by our correspondent on the Balkan Trail
Dozens of company-owned buses wait for refugees at the border between Greece and Macedonia, to take them across the country, all the way up to Serbia
Before reaching the town of Gevgelija, Macedonia, our correspondent stops in Thessaloniki to discuss the refugees' situation with the Mayor. Third episode
Pavle Kilibarda, researcher at the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights, explains the situation of refugees and asylum seekers in Serbia. Interview
Downtown Athens, a small garden full of people. This is where we meet Said, an Afghan boy with a contagious smile
Every day refugees and migrants cross the Balkan peninsula to reach the European Union. Stages in a difficult and tiring journey as described in the diary of our reporter
At the border between Hungary and Serbia, a week after the construction of the new European wall. Fourth episode
At the border between Serbia, Hungary, and Romania, where the EU geographically begins but morally ends
The journey from Syria to Europe, along the Balkan route. In Hungary: apartheid and solidarity. Third Episode
Our articles translated by |
FR: Ennemis et amis
FR: Aux pieds du mur de Viktor Orbán
NL: Voor de muur van Viktor Orbán
PT: Em frente ao muro de Viktor Orbán
RO: La picioarele zidului lui Viktor Orbán
FR: Dans cette Hongrie qui s’enferme
PT: Nesta Hungria que se isola
FR: "Nous avons voyagé jusqu’ici par tous les moyens imaginables”
NL: Auto, vliegtuig, trein en boot; de vervoersmiddelen van een vluchteling
OBC is part of the transnational network of media and NGOs promoted by Mediapart.fr to tell the stories of migrants and refugees and of the solidarity movement across Europe.