News from our Media Partners

Turkey: ban on freedom of expression


Curated by the "Foreign affairs" editorial staff of Radio Popolare, the first episode of the second year of the ECPMF project, of which Radio Popular is media partner. Dimitri Bettoni, OBC correspondent from Istanbul, reports on the situation of press freedom in the country.

Radio Popolare: listen to the radiocast in Italian

Turkish Publishers Association: may shame of burning books not be lived again


The Turkish Publishers Association has reacted against Avesta Publications’ depot’s being set on fire in Diyarbakır. The depot of the Avesta Publications located in İskenderpaşa neighborhood of Sur district in Diyarbakır province was set on fire by unidentified people on the evening of June 10, 2016.

Bianet: read the full article in English

Montenegro: independent media target of regime


Despite the arrest of two suspects in 2014, the Prosecution closed the investigation into the beating of journalist Tufik Softic, that took place in 2007.

Vijesti: read the full article

Jovovic: Politicians do not understand that the media are the guardians of democracy


"Protecting jobs and independence of journalists from media owners": this is the official motivation for which the ruling party DPS demanded that the parliamentary committee monitoring attacks on journalists extended its functions in order to deals with autonomy and independence of the media and journalists. Three MPs of the opposition voted against such a proposal, deeming that it is actually aimed at discrediting the work of journalists.

Vijesti: read the full article in Montenegrin

Montenegro: is the government willing to clarify the murder of Duško Jovanović?


The montenegrian government wants to shed light on the murder of Duško Jovanović. The people behind the murder of the opposition journalist Duško Jovanović are still running free, but the authorities have just proposed a reward for new information.

Le Courrier des Balkans: read the full article in French

Three journalists attacked in Midyat


Journalists Mahmut Bozarslan, Hatice Kamer and Sertaç Kayar shooting around the police station due to the bomb attack at the Security Directorate in Midyat have been attacked.

Bianet: read the full article in English

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Death foretold of the only national TV channel


BHRT, the national TV channel, risks suspending its programming from June 30th, as a consequence of financial difficulties and the government's inability to adopt an effective reform of the public broadcasting system. Bosnia and Herzegovina is at risk of becoming the only Europe country without a national television.

Le Courrier des Balkans: read the full article in French

Serbia: local media of Vojvodina under control


For several months, after the vote on the new media law, it is ongoing a real cleansing that involves the local radio and television stations of Vojvodina. All the local media, privatized one by one, are coming under control of some businessmen close to the ruling party

Le Courrier des Balkans: read the full article in French

Serbia: 5000 people against censorship down the streets of Novi Sad


Vojvodina citizens reject the purges of the regional “television”. On monday night, 5000 people marched on the streets of Novi Sad

Le Courrier des Balkans: read the full article in French

Declaration with 105 signatures for release of 13 arrested DİHA reporters


105 intellectuals, journalists, artists, academics and writers have signed a declaration calling for the release of 13 arrested DİHA reporters.

Bianet: read the full article in English