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Neo-Nazi’s attack against Greek journalist reported to Council of Europe


The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), following a complaint by the Journalist’s Union of Athens Daily Newspapers (ESIEA), reported to the Council of Europe an attack against the reporter Petros Anastasiades by Golden Dawn members, which is the far right political party of Greece.

Press Project: Read the full article in English

Raid against Croatian media: Who is next?


Newly enthroned ultraconservative government of Croatia sees free public as a rebellious gang that should be pacified by eliminating it’s “general headquarters” – the media. This is evidenced by the fact that Mirjana Rakic, president of the Council for Electronic Media, offered her resignation.

Media Centar: read the full article in Bosnian

Threatening the freedom of expression


Freedom of expression suffered influence, not to tell huge malformation after Justice started to really work in Romania – stated Cristina Guseth, the head of Freedom House Romania, in an interview for Dilema veche magazine. After the first convictions of important political and media owners in Romania, some media trusts have become highly virulent, vehement and aggressive towards the Justice system and independent journalists. Media lynching cases are increasing and corrupted journalists use this method as a thread for judges and journalists.

Dilema Veche: read the full article in Romenian

Croatian satire


The Programming Council of the Croatian public broadcaster (HRT) has decided to cease the broadcasting of the satirical program “Montirani proces”, because of its “inflaming religious and ethnic rhetoric”. The broad public following the program does not agree with this perspective, and see the reasons for its cessation to be elsewhere. In this program we discuss the possible other reasons for ceasing “Montirani proces” and the role of satire in Croatian media landscape.

Radio Student: read the full article in Slovenian

Mediameter: Politicized print media in Serbia


Print media in Serbia are deeply politicized, texts generally have no balance and represent a platform for the expression of personal opinion. Among all political actors, the most commonly represented in Serbian media is Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić, according to an analysis of newspapers from October to December 2015.

Beta: read the full article in Serbian

Romania: a law against media freedom?


Following the adoption, on February the 9th, by the Legal Commission and the Commission for Human Rights of the Romanian Parliament of the draft law on defamation scandal broke out.

Le Courrier des Balkans: read the full article in French

Journalists need stronger police protection


Attacks on N1 and FTV journalists are the latest examples of threats to media freedom, and once again these attacks bear witness to inadequate efforts of police and judicial authorities to protect media workers.

Media Centar: read the full article in Bosnian

Politics and tycoons suffocate media in Serbia


Saša Janković, the Serbian ombudsman, warns about the serious situation of media in Serbia in his annual report.

Beta: read the full article in Serbian

Why public opinion is so indifferent and doesn't show solidarity toward journalists' product?


Long-time control both from the state and businesses generate lack of credibility on Albanian journalists' work. Even in rare cases as natural disaster like flooding that hit Shkodra city some time ago.

Shquiptarja: read the full article in Albanian

Macedonia: on television pro- Gruevski the deviation against-turks is out control


The head of the opposition, Zoran Zaev, was interwed on Wednesday night by Dragan Pavlović, aka Latas, the main host of the openly pro-govermental channel Sitel Tv. The debate was tense and Latas, as usual, did not spare personal attacks. But one of his racist comment has raised a big controversy on social media.

Les Courrier des Balkans: read the full article in French