
Istria: being young in the 70's

14/07/2016 -  Davide Sighele

A documentary portrays the life of the Italian community in Istria through the eyes of children and teenagers. An interview with its director, Sabrina Benussi

The crisis of the EU solidarity: legal issues

17/05/2016 -  Luisa Chiodi

A review of some conflictual issues dividing Member States dealing with the refugee crisis. Interview with Irene Wieczorek, researcher at the Institute for European Studies

Media in Croatia: a cause for alarm

11/05/2016 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

Following a five day mission in Zagreb, the Human Rights Commissioner of the Council of Europe, Nils Muižnieks, provides an account on the situation of media freedom in the country. Interview

Akram Aylisli, a writer under restrictions

31/03/2016 -  Simone Zoppellaro

Azerbaijani writer Akram Aylisli was expected to take part to the “Incroci di civiltà” International literature festival today in Venice, but the Baku authorities blocked him at the airport. Our interview

Ilinca Călugăreanu: the story of Chuck Norris vs. Communism

24/03/2016 -  Nicola Falcinella

Pirate tapes of the most popular American movies circulated in Romania throughout the Eighties, challenging the communist regime. Now, a film tells this story. OBC interviewed the director

Symβiosis: Greece after the shutdown

15/03/2016 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini

The Balkan route shutdown is prompting a humanitarian crisis in Greece. The situation in the north of the country: interview with Despina Syrri

Journalists’ solidarity in Kosovo: the RTK case

13/01/2016 -  Marzia Bona

A public campaign launched by RTK journalists against censorship and political interference in the national broadcaster achieved positive results. OBC interviewed Shkumbin Ahmetxhekaj, editor at RTK, who took part to the campaign

Romania: from traditional to social media

31/12/2015 -  Luka Zanoni

Traditional media no longer have the monopoly of information, social media are advancing. An interview with Ioana Avadani, director of the Center for Independent Journalism in Romania

Wiki for Media Freedom: an interview with the Wikipedian in Residence

15/12/2015 -  Michelle Trimborn

An interview by the ECPMF staff to the Wikipedian in residence Davide Denti, hosted at OBC within the project Wiki for Media Freedom

Cenzolovka, in memory of Slavko Ćuruvija

10/11/2015 -  Marzia Bona

The Slavko Ćuruvija Foundation was established in November 2013 in Belgrade with the aim to preserve the heritage of the journalist murdered in 1999, and advance media freedom in Serbia. OBC interviews its executive director Ilir Gaši

Vukašin Obradović: critical media under fire in Serbia

15/10/2015 -  Dragan Janjić Belgrade

Restrictions on media freedom are becoming more and more common in Serbia. Interview with Vukašin Obradović, president of the Association of Independent Journalists of Serbia (NUNS)

Macedonia, the Refugee Emergency

23/09/2015 -  Francesca Rolandi

The NGO Legis is one of the few organizations working with migrants and refugees in Macedonia. An interview with Mersiha Smailovikj, one of the founders of Legis, provides a complex picture of the situation

Refugees in Serbia: the stance of civic society

14/09/2015 -  Caterina Ghobert

Pavle Kilibarda, researcher at the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights, explains the situation of refugees and asylum seekers in Serbia. Interview

Ziya Pir, a vision on Turkey

06/07/2015 -  Dimitri Bettoni Diyarbakır

After a life in Germany, Ziya Pir decided to return to Diyarbakır and run for the political elections in the ranks of the HDP. His vision on Turkey

Greece, ERT closing? A shock

29/06/2015 -  Francesco De Palo

The closing of the Greek public television was a reckless act against democracy. An interview with Greek journalist Dimitri Deliolanes

Sarajevo, locus teologicus

27/05/2015 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini Sarajevo

Pope Francis' visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina is a message of peace. Conversation with Franjo Topić, president of the cultural association Napredak

Catholic Bosnia

30/04/2015 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini Sarajevo

The forthcoming visit of Pope Francis to Bosnia Herzegovina prompts comments and analyses on the issue of catholic identity in the Balkan country. Our interview to academic and mediaevalist Dubravko Lovrenović

Montenegro, the Swiss bank account of the Marović family

31/03/2015 -  Luka Zanoni

A recent investigation by investigative team OCCRP and NGO MANS revealed a secret Swiss account with $ 3.8 million payable to the wife of Svetozar Marović, one of the leaders of the ruling party. Interview with Vanja Ćalović, director of MANS

Srebrenica: at Dule's restaurant

04/03/2015 -  Nicole Corritore Srebrenica

After the war, Dule was one of the first Bosniaks to return to Srebrenica, where he opened his restaurant. One year after his death, his son Avdo traces the family history

Anuška Delić, a journalist under prosecution

29/01/2015 -  SEEMO

Exposing the links between a major political party and an extreme right wing organization has resulted in criminal charges against a journalist, in democratic Slovenia. The story of Anuška Delić

Predrag Blagojević: journalists under blackmail

28/01/2015 -  SEEMO

Many South East European journalists experience blackmail, threats or even assaults in their everyday work. The case of Predrag Blagojević, editor in chief of Južne vesti in Niš

Vladimir Mitrić, a journalist under police protection

27/01/2015 -  SEEMO

Between journalists and criminals, some state institutions favour the latter. The story of Vladimir Mitrić, journalist in Western Serbia, as told to SEEMO, the South East Europe Media Organization

Dragana Sotirovski, journalism on the field

26/01/2015 -  SEEMO

The Seemo stories: South East European journalists who have experienced threats or assaults in their everyday work. The case of Dragana Sotirovski

Veran Matić: fighting impunity

23/01/2015 -  SEEMO

Reacting to threats can make you stronger, and also more efficient. The story of Veran Matić, a journalist under police protection, fighting impunity in Serbia

Željko Ivanović: being a journalist in Montenegro

22/01/2015 -  SEEMO

Journalists in South East Europe have to face assaults and threats for carrying out their professional activity. The story of Željko Ivanović in Podgorica

Drago Hedl: Croatian dangerous journalism

21/01/2015 -  SEEMO

Journalists from South East Europe talk to the media organization SEEMO about the threats and assaults they had to face while carrying out their job. The story of Drago Hedl

Alan Ford, a Yugoslav hero

12/12/2014 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini Sarajevo

An exhibition in Sarajevo sheds light on the most celebrated Italian comic strip translated in Yugoslavia and the new republics

Quieter than water

05/11/2014 -  Giuliano Geri

Berislav Blagojević (1979) is one of the most brilliant and versatile voices in the new literature from Bosnia­-Herzegovina, and the author of Quieter than water [Tiši od vode, 2013]. Interview

Voices from the VIII SEEMF: Oliver Vujović

29/10/2014 -  Svetla Dimitrova Skopje

Journalists should speak up about the problems they face in their work, as there are problems everywhere in Europe. An interview with Oliver Vujović, SEEMO Secretary General

The Skopje Media Forum: Europe calling

24/10/2014 -  Svetla Dimitrova Skopje

Croatian journalist Zrinka Vrabec Mojzeš spoke at the Skopje Media Forum about the dangerous relations among politics, media and media owners in the region, and advocated the need for a European-level legislation on media. Interview