
Twitter revolution

21/04/2009 -  Massimiliano Di Pasquale

After the protests that followed the 5 April vote in Moldova, the situation has slowly returned to normal. But Vlad Filat, leader of the Liberal-Democratic party, insists on an annulment of the vote and new elections. Our interview.

Exclusion and inclusion

21/04/2009 -  Irene Dioli

''The decline in economic growth will be more effective in raising poverty rates than the 6 years of growth just passed was in reducing them''. An interview with Paul Stubbs, author of an independet study for the European Commission on social inclusion in the Western Balkans

Otherwise and elsewhere

20/04/2009 -  Marjola Rukaj

"Our desire for elsewhere was equal to our desire for otherwise." Young Albanian students, from the collapse of the regime to the mass exodus. An interview with Ron Kubati, a writer

The fall

04/03/2009 -  Andrea Rossini

The end of division in Europe, the end of Yugoslavia, the advent of globalisation: an interview with Rada Ivekovic. A new article in the series on European identity, the new system of international relations and the memory of communism in the first 20 years after 1989

Surviving Reunification

18/02/2009 -  Andrea Rossini

From the fall of the Berlin Wall to the European integration process, via the dissolution of Yugoslavia. The controversial heritage of Communism in Europe, made of nostalgia, social injustice and demand for security. An interview with Slavenka Drakulić

Grozny Dreaming

16/01/2009 -  Roberta Bertoldi

A multiethnic orchestra with artists from different parts of the Caucasus; their dreams of performing in the tormented region and of demonstrating the possibility of peaceful coexistence. Our interview.

The New Bulgarian Demons

27/11/2008 -  Francesco MartinoTristan Lefilleul Sofia

"The 'new Bulgarian demons' are nothing else but the old ones dressed in new clothes; a mix of the nomenclature and the secret services of the regime." An interview with German journalist Jürgen Roth, author of a book on organised crime in Bulgaria, which stirred debate in Sofia and beyond

Post-Soviet Geography

17/11/2008 -  Massimiliano Di Pasquale

Crimea and Transnistria after the August war between Georgia and Russia. Political and ethnic conflict in the post-Soviet space; a conversation with Andrea Graziosi, professor of contemporary history at the University of Naples Federico II

Practicing Memory

05/11/2008 -  Andrea Rossini

The memory of World War II in Croatia, from the Yugoslavian period until the present day. The changes of the 1990s. Jasenovac, Bleiburg, the day of antifascist struggle and the exodus of Italians: an interview with Vjeran Pavlaković

Union of Minorities

22/10/2008 -  Andrea Rossini

Conditions of the Slovene minority in Italy and the Italian minority in Slovenia after Ljubljana's entry into the European Union (EU). An interview with Bojan Brezigar, a journalist and advisor to outgoing Slovenian Foreign Minister, Dimitrij Rupelj

Between Dialogue and Transition

30/09/2008 -  Francesco Martino

The role of the UN mission after Kosovo's declaration of independence, the relationship with the European mission EULEX, the dialogue process with Belgrade and Pristina, the situation in the area north of Mitrovica. An exclusive interview with Lamberto Zannier, new head of UNMIK

Crime Novel

19/06/2008 -  Francesco Martino Sofia

How was organized crime in Bulgaria born and how did it develop over recent years? Who are its protagonists? And what was its response to the challenges posed by the entry of the country into the EU? An interview with Tihomir Bezlov, senior analyst of the Center for the Study of Democracy

Macedonia at the mirror II

13/06/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

Partial rerun will be held in Macedonia on June 15 after irregularities had been found in the country's general election. Our correspondent talks about the current political situation with Daut Dauti, ndependent analyst and political columnist

Macedonia at the mirror I

13/06/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

Partial rerun will be held in Macedonia on June 15 after irregularities had been found in the country's general election. Our correspondent talks about the current political situation with Zidas Daskalovski, professor of political science at Skopje University and president of the Institute for Research and Policy Making

EULEX inside UNMIK, too late?

23/04/2008 -  André Cunha Pristina

Major General Raul Cunha, Chief Military Liaison Officer of UNMIK, is very critical towards the "incoherence of the Western international community" in Kosovo. He focuses his criticisms on the way EULEX is preparing to start its work and argues that the UN will have to stay longer, at least in Serb-dominated areas

Behxhet Pacolli: with an eye to the east

21/11/2007 -  Francesco Martino Pristina

Behxhet Pacolli is one of the richest businessmen in Kosovo. After creating an empire in the construction industry, in Russia as well as in some other ex-soviet republics, today he's the leader of the third political party in Kosovo, the "Coalition for a New Kosovo". Our correspondent met him after Saturday's elections

Kosovo's economy, many myths to dismantle

13/11/2007 -  Francesco Martino Pristina

Even when the status issue will be solved, economic development and foreign capital investment in Kosovo will not be automatic, but they will come only thanks to an effective policy, which up to now is still absent. An interview with Safet Gerxhaliu, of the Kosovo Chamber of Commerce.