12/06/2009 -  Anonymous User


Ten years after the massacre of July 1995, this is the story of the town that has become a symbol of ethnic cleansing and racist violence in Europe. The documentary brings the viewer from Tuzla - where women fight for the investigation of their loved ones' disappearance, through Potočari - former headquarter of international peace forces, and all the way to Srebrenica. Going back and forth between present times, history, and memory, parallel narratives unfold, surrounded by a sense of alienation, in the heart of a town where the conflict does not seem to have found an end yet. "After Srebrenica" was filmed thanks to the support of the Autonomous Province of Trento.


Director: Andrea Rossini
Cinematography: Moira Della Fiore
Interviews:Luka Zanoni, Andrea Rossini
Editing: Andrea Rossini, Moira Della Fiore, Maurizio Pasetti
Sound; Post-production sound: Carlo Dall'Asta
Music: Echidna
Production: Osservatorio sui Balcani - ITA, 2005
Running time: 33' PAL
Languages: Italian; English; Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian
Subtitles: Italian; English; Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian
Format: DVD box set
Note: includes the documentary "Europa, Srebrenica" by Andrea Rossini (1999) and a booklet with a time-line of the events in Srebrenica sourced from "La guerra in casa" by Luca Rastello (editor: Einaudi, 1998)
Acknowledgments: Second prize at Tekfestival DOC 2006, Rome; Honorable mention at the Bianco Film Festival, 2006, Perugia; Final selection of the eleventh edition of the Prix International du Documentaire et du Reportage Méditerranéen, Marseilles