14:30 - Welcome address
[Conference Room, MART - Modern and Contemporary Art Museum, corso Bettini 43]

Francesco Valduga, Mayor of Rovereto
Sara Ferrari, Provincial Minister for University and Research, Youth policy, Equal Opportunities and Development
Micaela Bertoldi, Member of the Council for Peace, Trentino Forum for Peace and Human Rights
Luisa Chiodi, Scientific Director of Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso

15:00 - Lectio Magistralis / Opening Speech
Sen. Prof. Francesco Palermo, President of the Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities of the Council of Europe

15:30 - Parallel Workshops
[Room 12, 13 e 14 - Department of Psychology and Cognitive Sciences, corso Bettini 84]

25 years after the end of the Cold War, walls and barbed wires cannot be an answer to the humanitarian emergency of the refugees crossing South East Europe to escape from the Middle East conflicts. What can Europe do?

Position paper: Francesco Martino, Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso

Discussants: Prof. Marco Brunazzo, University of Trento; Prof. Jovan Teokarević, University of Belgrade; Jacopo Zanchini, Deputy Director of Internazionale magazine; Massimo Moratti, Danish Refugee Council; Gian Matteo Apuzzo, Project Manager and International consultant Venezia Giulia Region; Agostino Zanotti, President of the Association LDA Zavidovići; Stefano Lusa, Radio Capodistria; On. Prof. Michele Nicoletti, President of the Italian Parliamentary Delegation to the Council of Europe and Vice-President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the CoE; Paolo Boccagni, University of Trento

Rapporteur: Bruno Simili, Deputy Director, La rivista Il Mulino

From instability in Turkey to the conflict in Ukraine. How did Europe intervene in the past, and what did the EU learn from its experience in the Balkans?

Position paper: Luisa Chiodi, Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso

Discussants: Prof. Roberto Belloni, University of Trento; Prof. Jens Woelk, University of Trento; Paolo Bergamaschi, Foreign Affair Advisor, European Parliament; Jelena Dzankic, Senior researcher, European University Institute; Fazıla Mat, OBC Correspondent from Turkey; Prof. Paolo Calzini, Johns Hopkins University Bologna Center; Prof. Mario Zucconi, University of Princeton; Giorgio Comai, Dublin City University; Michele Chiaruzzi, FBK-CeRPIC; Andrea Lorenzo Capussela, Author "State-Building in Kosovo" (I.B.Tauris & Co Ltd, London 2015); Elisa Piras, University of Bologna

Rapporteur: Gianni Bonvicini, Deputy President, Istituto Affari Internazionali

Media freedom and pluralism are a fundamental pillar of democracy. Yet, they are regularly threatened not only in the Enlargement countries but also in the old member states. The current challenges and the need for common rules at the European level

Position paper: Chiara Sighele, Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso

Discussants: Evren Gönül, Coordinator, Independent Communication Network BIA (Turkey); Mihailo Jovović, Editor in chief, Vijesti (Montenegro); Stoyana Georgieva, Editor in chief, Mediapool (Bulgaria); Ana Kuzmanić, Journalist, H-Alter (Croatia); Maja Hadžiosmanović Popović, Media practitioner, Mediacentar Sarajevo (Bosnia Herzegovina); Sead Rizvanović, Editor, 24vesti (Macedonia); Matej Jankovič, Editor, Radio Študent (Slovenia); Suzanne Vanderzande, DG Connect, European Commission; Prof. Carlo Ruzza, University of Trento

Rapporteur: Deniz Yazici, OSCE, Office of the Representative on Freedom of the Media

17:30 - Final Round Table
[Conference Room, MART - Modern and Contemporary Art Museum, corso Bettini 43]
Bruno Simili, Deputy Director, La rivista Il Mulino
Gianni Bonvicini, Deputy President, Istituto Affari Internazionali
Deniz Yazici, OSCE, Office of the Representative on Freedom of the Media

Chair and closing remarks:
On. Prof. Ennio Grassi, Essayst, former MP and diplomatic advisor

From 20:30 onward - "Que viva OBC!"
[Caffetteria "Le Arti", corso Bettini 43]
Music, literature and much more to celebrate OBC’s 15th anniversary

Opening: Luisa Chiodi
Presentation of the exhibition “Migrants: each canvas tells a story”: students of Liceo artistico "A. Vittoria"
Musical event: Paolo Bergamaschi; Serhat Akbal; Playlist by Gianluca Grossi

Book Point by Keller Editore

Birthday cake of OBC

04/11/2015 -