
Romania and Moldova: children left behind

A photo-report by Gianmarco Carlone on the so-called "white orphans" – children of migrant parents who are raised by relatives or forced to live in orphanages

Istanbul historical neighbourhoods

Tarlabaşı, Fatih, Fener and Balat: the old Istanbul on the European side, its streets, architectures and the people living there. A photo-reportage by Stefano Majno

Armenia, amidst abandonment and nostalgia

Armenia in autumn time: from Yerevan to the south of the country, in Goris, at the border with Iran, and then further on to Sevan lake and Alaverdi. A photo-reportage by Stefano Majno


Alana Meija Gonzalez, is a freelance fotographer and author of the documentary film “Transnistrian Youth

Trieste seen by Mario Magajna

Mario Magajna has worked since 1945 at Primorski dnevnik, the Trieste-based newspaper in Slovenian language. Now, an exhibition pays tribute to the great photojournalist and the city he depicted for 50 years.

Abkhazia: Sukhumi, Victory Day

Victory Day (9 May) is still celebrated in most of the countries belonging to the former Soviet Union, commemorating the capitulation of Nazi Germany to the USSR at the end of Second World War.

Moldova: the Saharna Monastery's mysteries

Every Thursday, hundreds of people leave the Moldovan capital Chişinau heading for the Monastery, where mass exorcism rites take place. Photos by David Julià

Idomeni, scenes from the camp

Daily life in an extemporary camp in Idomeni, at the border between Greece and Macedonia, where more than 10 thousand refugees and migrants await for the border to be reopened

The Rugova valley: a trail of flavours

A trekking, a project to revamp a region, a dream of the Italian association Viaggiare i Balcani together with other ngos and institutions. Starting from 2018 the project is carried out by "Confluenze. Nel sud-est Europa con lentezza ", in collaboration ViaggieMiraggi, a social cooperative working as tour operator.

Photos by Camilla de Maffei of the Rugova Valley, on the Kosovo side of the trekking.

A trail of flavours: Kelmendi

A trekking, a project to revamp a region, a dream of the Italian association Viaggiare i Balcani, and of other ngos and institutions. Watch the photos of the Kelmendi Region, Albania, by Camilla de Maffei