
Georgia towards the EU

On December 14, Georgia obtained the status of EU candidate country. There was a celebration in the Georgian capital: on the stage in the central square of Tbilisi were the highest authorities of the Georgian Dream government. Images and texts by Onnik James Krikorian.

International conference Media-Democracy nexus in the European space

On 17 October 2023, OBC Transeuropa, as part of the Media Freedom Rapid Response, organised an international conference to discuss the delicate intersection between democracy, rule of law and press freedom

Fleeing from Nagorno Karabakh

On September 19, Azerbaijan launched a military attack in Nagorno-Karabakh, changing the fate of thousands of people in just a few hours. Over 80 thousand people have already left the region. From our correspondent in Yerevan, Armine Avetisyan, some shots from one of the registration centre to enter Armenia

Solidarity for the 32nd anniversary of the Nagorno-Karabakh’s Independence

Nagorno Karabakh proclamation Anniversary rallies held worldwide, including Tbilisi

CASE Day of Action - an initiative against SLAPPs

On July 10 the Coalition Against SLAPPs in Europe (CASE), of which OBCT is a member, promoted a Day of Action dedicated to the campaign against SLAPPs (Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation) targeting activists, human rights defenders, and journalists.

Russian invasion of Ukraine, the impact on Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina


What is the impact over the Western Balkans of the Russian invasion of Ukraine? What are the possibel future scenarios in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina? Analysts, activists and area experts discussed it in a webinar organized by OBCT and CeSPI

Topolò, Europe. Topolò, Italian-Slovenian border

Perhaps one of the most photographed places in Friuli in the last thirty years, during the 29 editions of Stazione Topolò-Postaja Topolove. How to represent it in images, after hundreds or perhaps thousands of shots have captured and narrated glimpses and suggestions, moments of art, experiences, and installations? This gallery retraces our reconnaissance in search of voices to recount that end and a new beginning, to glean crumbs of history from Caporetto to Gladio and Brussels, and show the faces, hands, gazes of the six protagonists of our audio report. Not so much to compose a portrait as to provide a few snapshots.

Cres: from wool to felt

This photo story describes the phases of the processing that leads from the fleece of the sheep to felt. A practice that Vesna Jakić, of the "Ruta" association, continues to spread with passion on the island of Cres. Text and images by Nicole Corritore and Davide Sighele

SLAPPs against the media in Europe: is the EU response sufficient and what remains to be done?


Video recording of the panel co-organized by ARTICLE 19 and OBC Transeuropa, as partner of Media Freedom Rapid Response Mechanism, within the International Journalism Festival of Perugia. Speeches by Sarah Clarke (director ARTICLE 19 Europe), Bojana Jovanovic (Deputy editor crime and corruption reporting network), Sielke Kelner (Media Freedom Rapid Response), Roberto Saviano (journalist and author)

Baška: long live the port!


Baška, on the southern tip of the island of Krk, is among the most popular tourist resorts in Croatia. Recently, thanks to European cohesion funds, the port is being requalified. But the EU is also at the side of this small municipality in improving the infrastructure so that it can withstand the tourist impact