
Matteo Moretti: Design and European Data Journalism


Matteo Moretti, designer and founder of, explains his approach to journalism, with a special attention to visual journalism, interactive and responsive products, and informative experiences. He reflects upon the potential and challenges of data journalism in covering issues such as COVID-19 and the climate crisis.

"Addressing the challenges posed by disinformation in the Western Balkans“. Day 1


More than 100 participants, representatives of regional organisations, governmental institutions and media have gathered for a two-day online conference on 11-12 November 2020 co-organised jointly by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa (OBCT), the European Center of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats (Hybrid CoE) and the European External Action Service (EEAS) in order to discuss challenges posed by disinformation in the Western Balkans. Day 1

"Addressing the challenges posed by disinformation in the Western Balkans“. Day 2


More than 100 participants, representatives of regional organisations, governmental institutions and media have gathered for a two-day online conference on 11-12 November 2020 co-organised jointly by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa (OBCT), the European Center of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats (Hybrid CoE) and the European External Action Service (EEAS) in order to discuss challenges posed by disinformation in the Western Balkans. Day 2

SLAPP, the gag with the tie


A video conceived and directed by Désirée Klain, representative of the journalists association Articolo21 for the region Campania, with the collaboration to the script by Paola Rosà of OBCT. It is meant as a tool of understanding, dissemination, awareness raising

Azerbaijan: they whisper but sometimes scream


A small lake with no name. People call it Pir Vir, but this is the name of the shrine located nearby. The lake was once a female space. The women collected water there and shared their stories. A film by Lala Aliyeva

The dead will understand


After Covid-19 reached a small village in Georgia - last spring - birds occupied empty schoolyards, wall clocks ticked louder, people began to remember what they saw in their dreams at night. Doubts, fears and reassurances spilled from the TV news exactly five times a day during the week of Easter. The village had an important decision to make. A film by Ana Jegnaradze and Marita Tevzadze - Chai Khana

Karabakh: fierce battles along the entire frontline


On September 27, battles with the use of armoured vehicles and artillery began in the Karabakh conflict zone. An important difference of the new round of the conflict, which is underway for more than three decades, is that hostilities are on along the entire frontline; and the opposing parties have announced the martial law and mobilization.

My neighbor Ana


22-year-old Anna is fighting for her right to register her family’s property in her name. Her cousin strongly opposed her decision. In the Svaneti mountain village of Ushguli, Georgia, tradition dictates that if a family does not have a boy, the land and the family house are handed down to the next male relation who will continue the family name. A docu-fiction (hybrid) by Mariam Khachvani

Serbia: submerged by waste


In Serbia, every citizen produces an average of one kilo of waste per day. Most end up in illegal or unregulated landfills, with an uncontrolled production of methane in the atmosphere. Everyone must, and can, do their part. A video report

How agriculture changes in Serbia


Temperatures are rising, winds are blowing the humus away and extreme weather events are increasing: a problem for agriculture in Serbia. A video report