
Albania and the Covid-19


The management of the health crisis in Albania. An interview with Gentiola Madhi made by the Jean-Jaurès Foundation

Senada Šelo Šabić: Migration Trends, Western Balkans, EU Enlargement


This webinar took place on the 20th of May promoted by Trento University in the context of EUWeBER project "The European Union and the Western Balkans: Enlargement and Resilience"

Eugenio Cusumano: Projecting Resilience Across the Mediterranean


This webinar took place on the 20th of May promoted by Trento University in the context of EUWeBER project "The European Union and the Western Balkans: Enlargement and Resilience"

Filip Ejdus: the Secession of Kosovo and Serbia's Ontological Insecurity


This webinar took place on the 20th of May promoted by Trento University in the context of EUWeBER project "The European Union and the Western Balkans: Enlargement and Resilience"

Florian Bieber: the Impact of COVID-19 on Democratic Decline in the Western Balkans


This webinar took place on the 14th of May promoted by Trento University in the context of EUWeBER project "The European Union and the Western Balkans: Enlargement and Resilience"

Baku: Street photography in the time of Covid-19

Azerbaijan has been under virtual lockdown since March 24, when the government strictly limited public movement in an effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus. Photographer Emin Mathers used his regular walks to the grocery store to document how his fellow Bakuvians dress during their precious moments outdoors during the time of Covid-19

Jelena Džankić: Europeanisation of Contested States in the Western Balkans: Reality or Fad?


This webinar took place on the 13th of May promoted by Trento University in the context of EUWeBER project "The European Union and the Western Balkans: Enlargement and Resilience"

Georgia: "Emergency" reunion


Until recently, there were only 20 families living in Gurdzauli, a village high in the mountains of Adjara. The Covid-19 pandemic and the state of emergency in Georgia brought unexpected change to village life. To avoid the danger of being infected, families started to move back to their ancestral houses. The family of Givi Bolkvadze, 51, is one of them. A videoreportage by Giorgi Bolkvadze, Chai Khana

Arianna Piacentini: Young Generations, Ethnonational Identities and Clientelism. Evidence from Bosnia-Herzegovina and North Macedonia


This webinar took place on the 6th of May promoted by Trento University in the context of EUWeBER project "The European Union and the Western Balkans: Enlargement and Resilience"

Family bees


Maria lives in northern Albania. She has not had an easy life, far from it. But to help her support her family and to accompany her on her journey she found thousands of small insects: bees