
Media literacy in the WB, EU and worldwide


OBCT attended the Civil Society Forum of the Western Balkans Series in Trieste from July 10 to 12, 2017, joining the panel: "Media Freedom: a very European issue". Why do we consider it a strategic topic? Answer by Bardhyl Jashari - Metamorphosis, Macedonia

Keep on fighting for Media Freedom


OBCT attended the Civil Society Forum of the Western Balkans Series in Trieste from July 10 to 12, 2017, joining the panel: "Media Freedom: a very European issue". Why do we consider it a strategic topic? Answer by Nenad Šebek - Heinrich Böll Foundation, Serbia

We should support free media


OBCT attended the Civil Society Forum of the Western Balkans Series in Trieste from July 10 to 12, 2017, joining the panel: "Media Freedom: a very European issue". Why do we consider it a strategic topic? Answer by Dragan Janjić from Beta News Agency, Serbia

Creating transnational networks between EU and WB


OBCT attended the Civil Society Forum of the Western Balkans Series in Trieste from July 10 to 12, 2017, joining the panel: "Media Freedom: a very European issue". Why do we consider it a strategic topic? Answer by Chiara Sighele - OBCT

Against all the attacks on journalists


OBCT attended the Civil Society Forum of the Western Balkans Series in Trieste from July 10 to 12, 2017, joining the panel: "Media Freedom: a very European issue". Why do we consider it a strategic topic? Answer by Arman Fazlić - BH Journalist Associations, BiH

Data journalism for media freedom: visualizing media ownership in Europe


OBC Transeuropa and ECPMF promoted at the International Journalism Festival of Perugia 2017 a panel on media ownership in Europe. The video

Bulgaria, anti-immigrant patrols at the border with Turkey


Several groups of self-proclaimed "Bulgarian patriots" are patrolling the border between Bulgaria and Turkey, with no reaction from Sofia's government: their proclaimed goal is to defend their country and the EU from a migrants' "invasion"

Armenia’s mountain biking adventure


The first mountain bike route in Armenia, “Boo Mountain Bike Park Project”

The Nativity Church in Arbanasi


Recorded inside the Church of the Nativity in Arbanasi, Bulgaria, by Piergiorgio Pescali

Pictures from Idomeni


Thousands of migrants and refugees are stranded in Idomeni, at the border between Greece and Macedonia. Bledar Hasko visited the camp at the beginning of March