The transnational protection of fundamental rights: experiences of Italian civil society in the European civic space / Occasional papers / Homepage - Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa

The transnational protection of fundamental rights: experiences of Italian civil society in the European civic space

This study investigates the capacity of Italian civil society to participate in the political process at the European level by analysing the main strengths and weaknesses of some of the participatory tools offered by the European Union. It also examines the experience of some Italian civic activist organisations that have been active at the European level and made use of these tools.The study brings to light the advantages of a more extensive ac tion at European and transnational level and aims at fostering a deeper understanding of European participation channels in order to stimulate a more significant and impactful involvement of Italian civil society.

By: Luisa Chiodi e Serena Epis

Language: English