A photo exhibition dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the beginning of the conflicts in ex-Yugoslavia. Livio Senigalliesi's pictures like few others recount and document those tragic years. Schools, associations and other subjects interested in the exhibition "The Balkans twenty years later. 1991 - 2011" can request it throughout 2012
The exhibition is composed of 25 photos, in large format (cm 70x100), in colour and black and white.
It is promoted by Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso (OBC) and Associazione Ambasciata per la Democrazia Locale a Zavidovići (ADL Zavidovići), with the financial support of the autonomous Region of Trentino/South Tyrol.
Watch the trailer (in Italian language only)
About Livio Senigalliesi's work
Next appointments: After Rovereto, Brescia and Venezia, "The Balkans twenty years later: 1991-2011" will be exhibited in Bologna from 24th to 31st March 2012 and in Cuneo from 19th April to 10th May.
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For information and requesting the exhibition please contact:
Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso (Trentino, Italy) - segreteria@balcanicaucaso.org
Local Democracy Agency of Zavidovići (Brescia, Italy) - info@lda-zavidovici.it