The international and local academic community in the last years has taken actively part in the debates on Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) costitutional changes sharing expertise and advice. Nevertheless currently in BiH there is still limited public discussion on the constitutional impact of the integration path towards the EU. The EC Opinion on BiH’s future accession and the 25th anniversary of the Dayton Peace Agreement have brought constitutional issues back to the fore. In this context the promotion of a free academic debate, among scholars from all parts of the country, a culture of dialogue, respect and cooperation, is fundamental to contribute to the public discussion stimulating it with academic expertise on issues of priority for the political agenda. OBC Transeuropa will, in this section, publish in Italian, BHS and English, the articles and papers produced by the network of scholars “Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Constitution and EU Accession. An Academic Platform for Discussing the Options” .

03/12/2021 -