News Mfrr

Media and surveillance, the Predator scandal shakes Greece

19/05/2022 -  Alessio Giussani Athens

As Greece loses 38 positions in the annual Reporters Without Borders ranking compared to 2021, the public learns about the surveillance of investigative journalist Thanasis Koukakis. The spyware used is called Predator and it is still unclear who is behind it

Bulgaria: the media, law, and freedom of information

16/05/2022 -  Francesco Martino Sofia

In Bulgaria, media freedom has traditionally been restricted by grey areas, and journalists often come under severe pressure. This interview with Nelly Ognyanova, a leading Bulgarian expert on media law, discusses the legislative factors that define the working framework of journalism in the country

The MFRR Italy Mission, 4-6 April


A video story accompanying the Italy Mission of the Media Freedom Rapid Response, a 3-day of meetings with several Italian stakeholders, institutions and journalists

JiR Milan: the new call


As part of the new edition of the Media Freedom Rapid Response running from May 2022 till October 2023, the Journalists in Residence programme – Milan launches a new call for applications open to journalists and media professionals who are experiencing some risk/threat/intimidation to their person as a direct result of their journalistic work

Lawsuits like bullets. Who is afraid of journalists? The MFRR Italy Mission Report


With an open dialogue among journalists, the MFRR and the European Commission, on 11 May the Media Freedom Rapid Response launches the publication of the report containing the findings of the Italy Mission, which took place in Rome and Naples from 4 to 6 April

Media freedom in Croatia: the problem is not the laws, but their application

02/05/2022 -  Giovanni Vale

951 trials against journalists, claims for damages for 10.3 million Euros. Numbers that show how the media world in Croatia is under pressure. We talked about it with Vanja Juric, a lawyer specialising in freedom of expression

The protest of FNSI


Since the beginning of October 2021, Italian journalists are in a state of labour unrest: as the General Secretary of the FNSI, Italian Journalists Union, Raffaele Lorusso, explains, they have good reasons to protest against the Italian government and the Italian parliament. In collaboration with the FNSI, OBCT contributed to realize this video for the monthly newsletter of the MFRR, Media Freedom Rapid Response

Turkey: Global appeal marks 2000 days in prison for Nedim Türfent

03/11/2021 -  Paola Rosà

We co-signed a call to release Nedim Türfent, behind bars for terrorism after a clearly unfair trial

Turkey: increasing digital censorship and state capture


A delegation of 12 international organizations visited the country from 6 to 8 October: these are the first findings regarding media freedom

Media in Croatia, unprecedented censorship

27/09/2021 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

The Zagreb court applied temporary and preventive censorship against the H-Alter portal and journalist Jelena Jindra, effectively banning the publication and writing of further articles on the Municipal Children and Youth Protection Polyclinic and its director. Toni Gabric, chief editor of H-Alter, explains this unprecedented decision