
The New Economic Governance prescriptions in the field of healthcare systems

Online, 1st March 2024

After the 2008 financial crisis, the EU introduced a New Economic Governance regime that allowed for EU interventions in areas hitherto excluded from EU action, such as health. The webinar explores the implications of these interventions and examines crucial aspects for the prospects of European democracy and the welfare state, such as labour policies and the role of trade union movements.

Seminar for journalists

Politiche europee dei media e il ruolo della società civile

Milan, July 7, 2023

The European Union is still considered one of the safest places for journalists. Yet the number of threats and attacks against them has increased dramatically in recent years. The EU, overcoming strong and deep-rooted resistance to intervene in this matter, has promoted a series of initiatives to protect the condition of journalists and the media in the EU and to guarantee independence and pluralism in a rapidly changing sector, also thanks to the thrust of transnational advocacy actions in defence of press freedom. Seminar in collaboration with the Ordine dei Giornalisti della Lombardia.


I diritti delle donne in Europa: attivismo, sfide e il potere della solidarietà transnazionale

Online, July 5, 2024

Recent years have seen an alarming growth of movements against women's human rights. The transnational space offers feminist movements opportunities and tools for cooperation that are invaluable, especially when margins shrink at the national level. How do civil society solidarity networks function at the European level and how are they reacting to the attack on women's rights?

Seminar for civil society

Quali spazi per costruire un'Europa accogliente dal basso?

Florence, June 28, 2023

The issue of migration and asylum policies is a terrain of divisions and clashes in Europe. The EU has committed itself to formulating new policies on the subject, but reform is progressing very slowly, while a common policy of expulsions, border control, and criminalisation of solidarity is emerging. How can European civil society take action to demand a migration management model that keeps fundamental rights, solidarity and respect for human life at the centre?

Public event

Un approccio femminista alla giustizia. Incontro con Lepa Mlađenović

Rovereto, June 24, 2024

Lepa Mlađenović, feminist, one of the founders of Women in Black in Belgrade and an activist for the rights of the LGBT+ community, was one of the most important figures in the anti-war movement in Serbia. Before, during and after the Yugoslav break-up wars, Lepa continued to forge relationships with women and activists in all countries of the region, in Italy and internationally. On the occasion of Mario Boccia's photo exhibition “Sarajevo 1992-1996. L’assedio più lungo ” on display at the Italian War History Museum until 10 September 2023, a double event with Lepa Mlađenović to rediscover together the role of activism and participation from below in the construction of more humane international relations.

Public event

Solidarietà internazionale para siempre – Incontro con Lepa Mlađenović

Rovereto, June 23, 2023

A dialogue around some key words to narrate, think about and strengthen transnational activism and relations between Italy and the Balkans. With Lepa Mlađenović, feminist, activist for the rights of the LGBT+ community and one of the founders of Women in Black in Belgrade and Mario Boccia, photographer, author of the exhibition Sarajevo 1992-1996. The longest siege co-organised by OBCT. Event realised in collaboration with the Museo Storico Italiano della guerra di Rovereto.

Dissemination event in Zagreb

Transnational solidarities in the Balkans: migration justice worldmaking

Zagreb, 19 June 2023

The dissemination event of the TraPoCo Jean Monnet Network will focus on the Western Balkans migration route to discuss the capacity of European civil society actors to challenge the EU border policies from below, their efforts to propose alternative narratives on migration, their joint work to build a European political space of solidarity. Hybrid event.

Seminar for students

The Balkan Route: Information, Training and Research for Transnational Solidarity

Forlì, June 13, 2023

In-Person Intensive Programme "GlocalEAST - Workshop on Migration, Border and Diaspora Studies in East-Central Europe", in the framework of the Master Degree in East European and Eurasian Studies, University of Bologna


What avenues for environmental struggles in Europe?

Online, 12 June 2023

As the transnational campaign Save the Blue Heart of Europe to protect Europe's last wild rivers shows, transnational environmental mobilisations can be successful. What are the ingredients for success and what are the new avenues for environmental struggles in Europe?

European policy event

Transnational Political Contention and the protection of rights and democracy in Europe

Brussels, 7 June 2023

Final conference of the Jean Monnet TraPoCo project 'Transnational Political Contention and the protection of rights and democracy in Europe'. Over the course of three years, the project has explored the role of transnational mobilisation, solidarity, and collective action in strengthening democracy and the space of rights in the EU and its Member States through a number of case studies (environment, migration, social and trade union rights, civic space). The event is an opportunity to share the results of the Network's research work with European civil society representatives and policy-makers, with a focus on policy implications at the European level. Hybrid event.

International conference


Cluj-Napoca - Romania, 4-5 May 2023

Transnational Political Contention in Europe: Exploring Activism, Participation and Empowerment

Civil society seminar

EqualRights4All: seminario per l’advocacy europea in materia di antidiscriminazione

Milan, 12 February 2023

Il sistema europeo multilivello di tutela dei diritti fondamentali, il processo decisionale europeo e le direttive europee in materia di anti-discriminazione offrono diverse opportunità per le attiviste e gli attivisti che lavorano per i diritti umani e sui temi dell'antidiscriminazione. Si tratta di strumenti spesso sconosciuti e che difficilmente arrivano tra le mani delle e degli attivisti che lavorano a livello locale e nazionale. A cura di OBC Transeuropa, in collaborazione con ACET. Associazione per la cultura e l'etica transgenere.

Regional policy forum

Civil society, political contention and European Enlargement

Belgrade, 2 March 2023

The University of Belgrade, together with OBC Transeuropa, TraPoCo Jean Monnet Network and Centro Studi di Politica Internazionale, organises a policy event and a round table debate on European integration process of Serbia and the Western Balkan region, with a focus on the role of civil society actors (NGOs, grassroots organizations, social movements, etc.) and their claims in various policy areas, in particular in the environmental field.

Talks at the European Works Council Conference

European Works Council (EWC) Conference

Dublin, 29 - 31 March 2023

Roland Erne (University College Dublin) is invited to give two talks at the European Works Council (EWC) Conference in Dublin, organised by the EWC Academy between 29 and 31 March 2023. He will focus on Irish industrial relations system from a comparative perspective' and the 'Ryanair case: the European Employee Representative Committee as a critical example for transnational employment relations. Its presentations refer also to his co-authored article with Darragh Golden in the European Journal of Industrial Relations: ‘Ryanair pilots: Unlikely pioneers of transnational collective action’ .

16/03/2023 -