Pristina | Arta Berisha | 8 July 2024

Twenty-five years have passed since the end of the armed conflict in Kosovo: an entire generation, born during the 1999 war, is approaching adulthood with a heavy legacy, but also strong hopes for the future. Will it be a generation of peace?

Kosovo: the call of the forest

In Kosovo, forests occupy almost half of the entire state surface. However, the risk of illegal deforestation, particularly intense in the northern area, on the border with Serbia, is impelling. A video report

Pristina, closed for smog

Sky-high pollution rates led Prishtina authorities to close the centre to traffic, while many citizens protested to ask for new measures to improve quality of air. A photo-report by Veton Kasapolli/OBCT

Mediafreedom ECPMF

Kosovo: Dangerous attack by MP Dimal Basha on ECPMF’S Senior legal advisor Flutura Kusari
1/7/2024 - The Media Freedom Rapid Response Partners (MFRR) strongly condemn Lëvizja Vetëvendosje MP Dimal Basha’s abusive spee...
Kosovo: Media freedom groups welcome Klan Kosova court injunction decision
4/8/2023 - OBCT joins international media freedom organisations in welcoming the decision of the Kosovar Commercial Court block...
Kosovo: Media freedom groups raise alarm over Klan Kosova business certificate suspension
20/6/2023 - OBCT joins international media freedom and journalist organisations in expressing alarm over the suspension of Klan...
Law enforcement must protect journalists amidst escalating tensions in northern Kosovo
6/6/2023 - OBCT and the undersigned international press freedom organisations express their concern about the recent violent at...