Redazione 2 October 2023
Conference 17 October - OBC Transeuropa

Rule of law, media, and democracy in Italy and south-eastern Europe are the themes of the international conference organised in Rome on 17 October by OBC Transeuropa in collaboration with Heinrich Böll Stiftung Paris, France - Italy, the Italian National Press Federation, and the National Council of the Order of journalists as part of the European Media Freedom Rapid Response project

On 17 October 2023, at the headquarters of the Foreign Press Association in Italy in Rome (Via dell'Umiltà, 83/C, from 10:00 to 18:00), the international conference “Media-Democracy Nexus in the European Space: exchange of experiences between Italy and South-East Europe" is taking place to analyse recent developments in the media sector and examine how a solid system of rule of law contributes to the progress of press freedom in the European space.

The conference, organised by Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa in collaboration with Heinrich Böll Stiftung Paris, France - Italy, and with the support of the Italian National Press Federation (FNSI) and the National Council of the Order of Journalists (Cnog), will be attended by Italian and international speakers, including Renate Schroeder - director of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), Paolo Borrometi - national councilor and FNSI legality delegate, and Emina Veljović, director of the Aarhus Center in Sarajevo.

Press freedom is constantly under serious pressure in Europe due to political interference, physical and verbal attacks, and legal intimidation which, to varying degrees, affect journalists and media professionals in both EU member and candidate countries.

In recent years, the EU institutions have discussed and adopted a series of measures aimed at guaranteeing greater protection for journalists, combating SLAPPs - an acronym indicating abusive lawsuits against public participation - and protecting pluralism and independence of the media.

Paying particular attention to Italy and south-eastern Europe, the conference will bring together journalists, academics, legal experts, and representatives of organisations active in defense of freedom of expression and of the press around three main themes:

- towards a European society equipped to respond to SLAPPs - countering abusive actions through awareness-raising and education;

- European Media Freedom Act - the delicate intersection between regulation of the European market and protection of journalism;

- ensuring the safety of journalists - the role of the authorities.

The conference is part of the initiatives of the Media Freedom Rapid Response project, a consortium of six European partners (Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa, European Center for Press and Media Freedom, Article 19 Europe, European Federation of Journalists, Free Press Unlimited, International Press Institute) co-funded by the European Commission which carries out monitoring, practical and legal support, advocacy, and research in response to violations of press freedom in the EU and candidate countries.

The works will take place in English and Italian with simultaneous translation. Participation in the event is free and open, for logistical reasons registration is recommended at the following link: Media-Democracy Nexus in the European Space

See the detailed programme .