Redazione 12 March 2020
Rifugiati in Grecia, Thessaloniki - (Ververidis Vasilis - Shutterstock).jpg

Many European organisations have made an appeal to the European Parliament  in order to stop violence and the use of force against defenseless people at the EU-Turkey border and to restore legality and respect for human rights, including the right to asylum

The European Parliament must intervene to stop violence, the use of force, and human rights violations at the EU-Turkey border.
We call on the European Parliament and the political groups representing EU citizens to stop violence and the use of force against defenseless people at the EU-Turkey border and to restore legality and respect for human rights, firstly the right of asylum.
What is happening is the result of wrong choices made with the aim of externalizing borders and preventing people fleeing from wars and persecutions from arriving in Europe to seek protection.
The agreement signed in March between the EU and Turkey is not only wrong but also counterproductive.
Governments and European institutions have provided Turkey with an instrument of blackmail that allows people to be used as goods, erasing our history, the principles of European constitutions and the civilization of law.
The Greek government, with the support of European governments and the Commission, has waged a real war, with the use of weapons and indiscriminate violence, against defenseless men, women and children.
The use of weapons, by army and police, against unarmed civilians is prohibited by international laws and conventions and there is no circumstance that can justify such barbarism.
The European Parliament must intervene to reaffirm the principle of non-refoulement which in these hours is being canceled at the EU-Turkish border, the right of asylum and acceptance of the people who come to our borders to seek protection. 
Actions must be taken to reaffirm the need for a European redistribution plan for asylum seekers, with adequate quotas and with priorities for unaccompanied and separated minors and people in vulnerable conditions.
There is an urgent need to stop violence and the use of force against refugees and to reiterate the principles of solidarity and humanity that are a fundamental part of the European Union and which we cannot renounce if we do not want to erase our history and feed anti-European and anti-democratic feelings, who put the very existence of the EU at risk.


A Buon Diritto
Acli – Associazioni cristiane lavoratori italiani,
ActionAid Italia
Arci nazionale
Arcs Culture Solidali
Associazione Studi Giuridici Immigrazione
Association Humanitas, Slovenie
Association Zinzolin, France
Caritas Italiana
Casa della carità “A. Abriani”
Centro Astalli
CGIL Confederazione Generale Italiana del Lavoro
Collectif de soutien de l’EHESS aux sans-papiers et aux migrant-es
Associazione Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII
Coordinamento Nazionale Comunità di Accoglienza – CNCA
Dimensioni Diverse
Dutch league for human rights
Ero straniero – L’umanità che fa bene
EuroMed Droits / EuroMed Rights
European Democratic Lawyers
Europe External Programme (EEPA) with Africa,
FOCUS-Casa Dei Diritti Sociali
Fondazione Migrantes
Green Italia,
Legambiente Onlus
Ligue des droits humains
Médecins du Monde missione Italia
Medico international (Allemagne)
Migrations Libres (Belgique)
MRAP (Mouvement contre le racisme et pour l’Amitié entre les Peuples)
Non-lieux de l’exil
Open Arms Italia
Paris d’Exil
Rainbow4Africa Italia
Rainbow4Africa UK
Republicain Lawyers Association, Germany
Refugees Welcome Italia
Réseau Immigration Développement Démocratie
Rete degli Studenti Medi
Save the Children UK
Save the Children Italia
The day of the Endangered lawyer foundation
Todo Cambia
Vivre Ensemble |
UIL – Unione Italiana del Lavoro
UDU – Unione degli Universitari
Welcoming Europe-Per un’Europa che accoglie