
Defending Balkan rivers

25/10/2018 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

In the Balkans, the construction is planned of 2,800 hydroelectric power plants – mostly small, but with devastating impact on the river environment. A group of activists and an annual Balkan Rivers Tour emerged to defend these waterways

Croatia: the challenge of degrowth

12/09/2018 -  Giovanni Vale

Every year, a summer school brings together activists and researchers on the island of Vis in order to discuss sustainability and social equality. OBCT's correspondent was there this year

Zagreb is ours, a movement on the side of citizens

19/09/2018 -  Giovanni ValeJelena Prtorić Zagreb

Tomislav Tomašević, 38, is the leader of the movement Zagreb je naš ("Zagreb is ours"). An activist, political scientist, and environmentalist, Tomašević represents to date the most dynamic opposition to Zagreb's unremovable mayor Milan Bandić. We met him

Romania is consuming less earthly resources than the world’s average


In all of EU countries Earth Overshoot Day – the date when all of the inhabitants have used more from nature than our planet can renew in the entire year – falls before 1 August, except for Romania.

The Panorama Tbilisi project: a monster in town

04/04/2018 -  Marilisa Lorusso

Works are ongoing in Tbilisi, the capital city of Georgia, for the construction of a pharaonic real estate project. Its impact on the landscape and environment risks being huge, and civil society has mobilized

Armenia’s female councillors were abused for challenging the patriarchal political system

20/03/2018 -  Anna Nikoghosyan

On 13 February, female councillors from Armenia’s women-led opposition party Yerkir Tsirani were attacked, physically and sexually, during a Yerevan City Council session. The women were later blamed for the attack

Cycling in the city: Ljubljana takes inspiration from the Dutch model

26/02/2018 -  Lucia Bruni

Ljubljana is among the most accessible European capitals for cycling, and among the cities which have invested most in this mode of transport. An interview with Lea Ružič, president of the Ljubljana Cyclists Network

Plitvice lakes in danger

09/02/2018 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

Tourism, traffic, pollution, and constructions. Plitvice, today, no longer rhymes with transparent waters and uncontaminated nature. And the lakes risk to be removed from the UNESCO heritage list

Rural Albania, the bet of those who stay

09/01/2018 -  Francesco Martino Mërtur

Wild, untamed mountains, poverty, and massive depopulation. In the villages of northern Albania, some resist the temptation to escape to the city and hope for a new beginning, made of sustainable rural development and alternative tourism. Our report

Georgia: a mountain woman

04/01/2018 -  Tekle Kveladze

The story of Mariam Kochashvili, 21, shepherd at her village in the Pshavi mountains and student of the last year of medicine in the capital

Who owns Armenia's mines?

27/12/2017 -  Hakob Safaryan

Mining is one of the most important sectors of the Armenian economy. Because of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, the country now has to undertake a series of reforms for transparency and accountability

Regional landfill in Novi Sad: Growth of pollution and bureaucracy

11/10/2017 -  Milica Stojanović Dragana Prica Novi Sad

Serbia will need at least 918 million € to regulate the area of waste disposal. One of the main projects involves construction of regional landfills, that is, closing of the existing non-sanitary landfills which jeopardize human health

What happens to our holiday garbage?

13/09/2017 -  Marzia BonaLorenzo Ferrari

In tourist areas across Europe, the waste generated by tourism is managed by recycling and disposal systems that are often inefficient. An overview of the situation in South-East Europe

Ivanishvili’s tree collecting hobby

01/09/2017 -  Sulkhan Bordzikashvili

Georgia’s billionaire ex Prime Minister Bidzina Ivanishvili has been ripping up ancient and rare trees from across the country and transporting them to his private arboretum in Ureki. While the government claims it is for their own protection, activists continue to challenge the move

Sustainable tourism in Armenia

20/03/2017 -  Marilisa Lorusso

While the United Nations designated 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, Armenia is struggling to manage and make the best out of the potential of this sector

Last harvest looming for Albanian farmers along pipeline route

25/01/2017 -  Bankwatch

Numerous farmers and land owners in Albania feel they are sidelined by Europe’s dash for gas

Bosnia Herzegovina for sale

02/11/2016 -  Željana Grubišić

Massive land and real estate sale to foreign nationals in the central Balkan country points to growing corruption and brings little benefit to the country

Serbia promisses clean, while investing into dirty energy

08/08/2016 -  Milica Šarić

Serbia has taken a commitment to produce energy from renewable sources, but it is building a new block of Kostolac B thermal power plant which will be using lignite coal

Renewable energy in the Balkans: enough bad

20/07/2016 -  Matteo Tacconi

Despite the commitments defined by the Energy Community Treaty, most of the investments in the energy sector in the Western Balkans are still directed to coal plants

Savamala, urbanism and politics

31/05/2016 -  Giovanni Vale Belgrade

The story of a district forgotten by the authorities, made alive by citizens, and finally seized by force to build the pharanoic project “Belgrade on water”

Chernobyl, a cultural object

26/04/2016 -  Markian Kamysh

An exclusive interview with director Myroslav Slaboshpytskyi on his upcoming film, Luxembourg, and on the branding of Chernobyl

Macedonia: SOS Ohrid

11/02/2016 -  Ilcho Cvetanoski

The town and lake Ohrid are endangered by a vast urbanization plan, which is opposed by local citizens and international scholars

Macedonia: protecting the Šar Planina

08/01/2016 -  Ilcho Cvetanoski Tetovo

The Šar Planina mountains are one of the richest biodiversity areas in the Balkans, but they are not protected. The project of a Natural Park could change the picture

Slow Food Turkey: at the “muhabbet” market

29/12/2015 -  Francesco Martino Şile

A place for meetings and exchanges, the market at Şile, in Turkey, faces up to both the opportunities and the challenges presented by its proximity to the megalopolis of Istanbul

Slow Food Bulgaria: the “kiselo mlyako” of the Strandzha

14/12/2015 -  Francesco Martino Malko Tarnovo

In the Strandzha mountains, on the border between Bulgaria and Turkey, proud, obstinate producers carry on making “kiselo mlyako” (sour milk), a thousand-year-old tradition

Slow Food Macedonia, fishing biodiversity

06/08/2015 -  Francesco Martino Stenje

Lake Prespa, on the border between Macedonia, Albania and Greece preserves unique biodiversity and culinary traditions. Like that of the dried fish "cironki", whose origins are lost in time

Green energy in Bulgaria: an uneasy success

13/02/2015 -  Francesco Martino Sofia

Bulgaria is among the few European countries that have announced the achievement of the objectives of the "Europe 2020" strategy on renewable energy. At the same time, the sector is said to be in crisis and unsustainable. Our report

Slow Food in Turkey: the multicoloured market

12/01/2015 -  Francesco Martino Foça

At Foça, on Turkey's Aegean coast, there's a market with a magical miscellany of colours, aromas and flavours. Among the treasures displayed on the stalls you can find the “tarhana”, distilled from the generous abundance of summer

Legend: geothermal energy in the Balkans

17/12/2014 -  Nataša Stuper

Geothermal energy lands in the Balkans, saving money on bills and curbing global warming. An interview with Marco Meggiolaro, coordinator of the LEGEND project

Slovenia, renewable energy comes from the Alps

19/11/2014 -  Nataša Stuper

Low-consumption buildings, revamp of the regional economy, and environmental benefits: all thanks to wood. A review on European projects on energy efficiency carried out by Slovenia