European Union

Cécile Kyenge on Europe and migrations

22/12/2016 -  Fazıla Mat

Facing the migration problem means keeping the European project alive. We spoke to the author of a recent report on the issue, Cécile Kyenge, Italian member of the European parliament

EU-Turkey Agreement: an appeal to the European Court of Justice


Access Info Europe, a Madrid-based organization promoting access to information, filed a petition to the European Court of Justice asking the disclosure of the legal details of the EU-Turkey deal on migration

Our man in Moldova

21/10/2016 -  Eleanor KnottMihai Popșoi

In courting the country’s most loathed oligarch, the EU and US will only lose the sympathy of ordinary Moldovans

Hungary, after the referendum

07/11/2016 -  Marzia Bona

After a controversial and divisive referendum, what is the outlook for Hungary and the region on the subject of refugees? We interviewed Gábor Gyulai, of the Hungarian Helsinki Committee

IFJ and EFJ discuss media freedom in Turkey with CoE's General Secretary


International and European Federations of Journalists and other partner media organisations of the Council of Europe Platform for the Safety of Journalists met in Strasbourg with the CoE's General Secretary

EBU concerned about threat to HRT and public service media in Croatia


The EBU is deeply concerned about the threat to HRT in Croatia by plans to make a reduction of the licence fee part of the negotiations to form a new government

Government steps up its “no” campaign

28/09/2016 -  Yann Schreiber

On 2 October, Hungary will vote on a EU refugee distribution scheme. The government, who is calling on the population to reject the Commission's proposal, recently stepped up a taxpayer-funded campaign many say is xenophobic and fear-mongering

South Caucasus and the Balkans: child protection

27/09/2016 -  Mariana IanachieviciDaniela Buzducea

An Index that serves to remind countries of their commitments to child protection. Created jointly by World Vision and ChildPact, it will be launched in Brussels on 28 September

European Commission eager to foster media pluralism and public service media in Western Balkans


A delegation of the EFJ met EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn to discuss how to improve working conditions of journalists in the Western Balkans

Albania, the justice reform

04/08/2016 -  Tsai Mali

The justice reform, approved on July 21st, amends as many as 45 articles of the Albanian Constitution. Citizens, however, still know little about it

F1 and the limits of public diplomacy

21/07/2016 -  Chiara Loda

The economic crisis and the cold international attendance at the Baku European Games are some possible explanations for the partial change of diplomatic strategy of Azerbaijan

Brexit: the consequences for the EU enlargement

27/06/2016 -  Marzia Bona

The results of the referendum held in the UK will have significant consequences for the process of European integration of the South-Eastern European countries

Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Turkey: the 2016 winners of the EU Awards for Investigative Journalism


The second EU Investigate Journalism Awards in the Western Balkans and Turkey have been announced in Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Turkey

The crisis of the EU solidarity: legal issues

17/05/2016 -  Luisa Chiodi

A review of some conflictual issues dividing Member States dealing with the refugee crisis. Interview with Irene Wieczorek, researcher at the Institute for European Studies

First Winners of the EU Award for Investigative Journalism announced


The EU Award for Investigative Journalism has been granted so far in Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia, acknowledging investigations on corruption and social exclusion

Brussels and Ankara, the bad deal

17/03/2016 -  Nils Muižnieks Strasbourg

The migration deal between EU and Turkey is illegal and must be changed, says CoE Commissioner for Human Rights. There are other ways to address the migrants crisis, complying with the member States obligations to protect those who flee wars and persecution

How Kosovo avoided losing €18 million

23/02/2016 -  Andrea Lorenzo Capussela

With its ruling on the "AUK deal", EULEX saved Kosovo’s budget from losing €18 million. Unfortunately, in these years, such effective action was often missing. The two faces of the EU mission. A comment

The EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region: the fatigues of the process

25/05/2016 - 

In October 2014, the EU launched its Macro-Regional Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian area, EUSAIR. One year later, OBC and CeSPI analysed its first steps, challenges and opportunities, in the frame of the project “The Adriatic-Ionian macro-region: a hurdle process. The start of the Adriatic-Ionian Regional Strategy in the perspective of Italian foreign policy and the European integration of the Western Balkans”, funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI).

EU: the fall

03/02/2016 -  Stefano Lusa Capodistria

Dramatic days in the history of the Union have disturbing similarities with the early '90s, when everything changed very quickly and Yugoslavia collapsed

Greece: Russian Tourists Wanted

05/01/2016 -  Gilda Lyghounis

Greece has the opportunity to attract Russian tourists seeking an alternative to the Turkish and Egyptian beaches. The Hellenic bureaucracy, though, appears incapable of accepting the challenge

Dayton, 20 years

16/11/2015 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini Sarajevo

Bosnia Herzegovina and the challenges ahead, twenty years after the signing of the the Dayton Peace Agreement. Interview with the Italian Ambassador in Sarajevo, Ruggero Corrias

The Hungarian wall

03/09/2015 -  Giovanni Vale

At the border between Serbia, Hungary, and Romania, where the EU geographically begins but morally ends

The new wall and us: children who do and don't remember

25/08/2015 -  André Cunha, (with the collaboration of Móni Bense)

Chronicle of a journey along the border between Hungary and Serbia in late June and early July, a week from the building of a new wall in Europe. Second Episode

Nils Muižnieks : too many threats to journalists in Europe


The Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe sent a letter to the president of Ossigeno per l'Informazione on the occasion of today's conference “Protect who reports inconvenient truths”, taking place in Rome

Macedonia: last stop towards fortress Europe

30/06/2015 -  Ilcho Cvetanoski

The path of the migrants towards the EU is full of risks. Following the Balkan route, the 200 km crossing Macedonia can be the most deadly. Our report

Serbia, public media towards privatisation

24/06/2015 -  Dragan Janjić Belgrado

By July 1st, the 74 Serbian media still owned by the state or local governments will have to be privatised, but some say the deadline could slip to October

Hahn Presses Balkan Governments on Media Freedom


EU enlargement commissioner Johannes Hahn told a BIRN conference that media freedom in the Balkans has become a major concern that must be addressed urgently

Vučić in Tirana: all together for... Germany!

08/06/2015 -  Nicola Pedrazzi

Serbia's Prime Minister paid a historic visit to Albania last week. Major disagreements remain, especially over Kosovo, but great cordiality was expressed. In the background, the need for collaboration on major infrastructure projects for the region

The new Kosovo Court puzzle

24/04/2015 -  Violeta Hyseni Kelmendi Pristina

A Special Court should deal with alleged war crimes committed by KLA officials, but analysts in Kosovo are skeptical about its scope

Green energy in Bulgaria: an uneasy success

13/02/2015 -  Francesco Martino Sofia

Bulgaria is among the few European countries that have announced the achievement of the objectives of the "Europe 2020" strategy on renewable energy. At the same time, the sector is said to be in crisis and unsustainable. Our report