
Croatia: Smear campaign against journalist Anja Kožul


Transnational solidarity for Anja Kozul, the Serbian journalist living in Croatia, victim of a smear campaign

Cybersecurity, technology, and democracy: what should be done?

10/12/2020 -  Giorgio Comai

In Italy, similarly to other European countries, there is basically no structured initiative aimed at increasing the cybersecurity of the key actors of our democratic system. New measures are needed that do not entail increasing dependence on a small number of tech companies: cybersecurity in politics cannot exist independently of politics

SLAPPs, a directive drafted by civil society organizations


The international anti-SLAPP coalition invested time and funds to draft a model directive that would help tackle the issue of vexatious lawsuits: now this paper will be presented to EU institutions and stakeholders, and could serve as a pattern for the promised EU initiatives against SLAPPs

Italy: Nello Scavo and too many unanswered questions


For the platform Mapping Media Freedom, the Italian journalist Nello Scavo recalls his story and accuses the Italian government of non answering too many questions: "the silence that comes from unanswered questions was intended to discredit the work of journalists"

Italy: too much violence against journalists during protests


MFRR partners condemn increasing violence against Italian journalists covering anti-lockdown protests

Europe against SLAPPs, the malicious lawsuits

11/11/2020 -  Paola Rosà

As the list gets longer of European journalists and activists targeted by vexatious lawsuits, institutions deliver concrete commitments for legislative actions and interventions that OBCT has also solicited in the last, intense year of transnational advocacy

Azerbaijan, the Internet in times of war

04/11/2020 -  Arzu Geybullayeva

Since the fighting with Armenia began in late September, Azerbaijan's government has severely restricted, when not completely blocked, Internet access. Pro-government media outlets have been spared from the restrictions

Nagorno Karabakh: information in danger


The partner organisations of the Council of Europe Platform for the promotion of journalism and the safety of journalists express their urgent and deep concern about the ongoing risks of injury and harm to media workers reporting on the armed conflict inside Nagorno Karabakh, and condemn any arbitrary restrictions imposed by state authorities engaged in the conflict because they represent undue interference in the ability of journalists to perform their important role of informing the public through free and independent reporting

Three years after her assassination, still no justice for Daphne Caruana Galizia


19 international media freedom organisations and journalists associations renew their call against impunity in Malta. Here the full text of the call published by the Media Freedom Rapid Response

Compromised independence of Turkey’s institutions chokes press freedom


Eleven international rights groups conclude press freedom mission to Turkey, and findings confirm the worsening of the situation

Montenegro: Jovo Martinovic sentenced by the High Court to one year in prison for drug trafficking


MFRR partners and media freedom organisations condemn the verdict and the entire proceedings. Beyond the violation of Martinovic’s human rights, his prosecution and conviction contribute to a chilling effect on media freedom in Montenegro

Slovenia: OBCT joins IPI's statement condemning brazen use of SLAPP


We believe it is abundantly clear that the number and nature of the spurious defamation lawsuits against Necenzurirano are not aimed at achieving justice, but instead at silencing the outlet by forcing its journalists to fight time-consuming and costly legal battles, draining them financially and discouraging them from further reporting

Malta: Nello Scavo insulted after testifying in the case against Neville Gafà


Upon leaving the hearing, Italian journalist Nello Scavo and Maltese blogger Manuel Delia were insulted by a crowd of people in support of Gafà. ECPMF condemns the insults, recalling that verbal threats from high-profile individuals can lead to acts of violence and send a message of impunity

The needs of journalists: a survey


In order to understand the needs of media workers all over Europe, OBCT is launching a survey inviting to answer to a few questions: journalists, stakeholders and media outlets have the possibility to describe what they are suffering in terms of intimidations and threats

Greece: restricted access for media to Moria refugee camp


Together with the Media Freedom Rapid Response, OBCT signs a letter to the Greek authorities undermining press freedom and threatening the public’s right to know by restricting access for media workers to sites where refugees and asylum seekers are held following the fire that destroyed the Moria camp

Freedom of speech under attack: pesticides and South Tyrol


OBCT signed the declaration of solidarity with Umweltinstitut Muenchen, the German environmentalists hit with legal SLAPP case in Bolzano together with Austrian author over criticism of massive pesticide use

Disinformation and anonymous portals in Bosnia

02/09/2020 -  Aleksandar Brezar

In Bosnia and Herzegovina there are thousands of anonymous portals that pollute the web with disinformation. It is difficult to find solutions, except for media literacy. A comment

Montenegro: three journalists accused of spying for Serbia


Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) partners and press and media freedom organisations raise concerns about three journalists who are accused of spying in Montenegro

MFRR calls for a robust and transparent investigation into threats made against Nello Scavo


Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) partners and freedom of expression organisations call on the Maltese and Italian governments to ensure a robust, thorough and transparent investigation into Neville Gafà for threats made against journalist, Nello Scavo

Journalists in Europe: one attack per day

18/08/2020 -  Paola Rosà

The data from the first four months of monitoring by the MFRR consortium confirm a concerning landscape for the safety of journalists and the state of media freedom, both in EU member countries and in countries as Serbia and Turkey

Media in Turkey: a testing ground of censorship and control

31/07/2020 -  Sofia VerzaFazıla Mat

Turkey is currently the largest prison for journalists in the world, with over 80 media workers in detention. Not content with that, the Turkish parliament has now passed a law that gives the government more control over social networks. An analysis of the situation of the Turkish media

Protecting and supporting media: practical tools available through the MFRR


The Media Freedom Rapid Response, a EU-funded project that OBCT participates in, offers tangible and frontline support to journalists and media workers in EU member states and candidate countries who are at risk due to their work. This includes support for legal defence and opinion, emergency support such as covering travel, psychological support and family costs, offering residencies in Germany and Italy, and delivering and supporting training across the continent

Serbia: an international call to end police violence against journalists


During the protests in Belgrade, police officers have been using violence against reporters and media workers, too, preventing them to do their job. The partners of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) and other international organisations wrote a letter to the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia to remind the duties and commitments to defend media freedom. Here the text of the letter:

Poland: MFRR supports Gazeta Wyborcza who has received over 55 threats of legal action


A contribution of €15,000 has been granted to respond to the unprecedented legal threats made against Polish newspaper, Gazeta Wyborcza to support the outlet’s legal defence. The Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR), a mechanism to monitor and respond to threats against journalists and media workers in EU Member States and Candidate Countries, is a concrete support against SLAPPs

Serbia: dangerous liaisons

18/06/2020 -  Antonela Riha Belgrade

On the eve of the elections, yet another scandal invests Serbia's leadership. A photograph portrays the son of President Vučić at a bar in the company of some other people, including a member of a mafia clan

Turkey: an open call to release the Kurdish journalist Nedim Türfent


Together with more than 40 ngos, we call to the Turkish authorities to free Kurdish journalist Nedim Türfent, who is in jail since May 2016 for false allegations of "terrorism": his only fault was to report on Kurdish issues and on the abuses of Turkish special forces. After almost 1500 days of detention, we invite everybody to sign this call

Albania: public information becomes a casualty of COVID-19

11/06/2020 -  Gentiola Madhi

COVID-19 has exposed the weaknesses of Albania’s public information. The monopolisation of communication on coronavirus has raised concerns over the government’s accountability on pandemic management as well as media freedom

Jail and defamation: an international call to the Italian Constitutional Court


An historical decision is awaiting journalists and Parliament on June 9th: the Constitutional Court is deciding if prison is a legitimate punishment for defamation. And Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) partners consider this a crucial first step forward

Croatia: a minister's dangerous allegations

28/05/2020 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

Once again, journalists are under attack in an EU country. Croatian Minister of the Environment Tomislav Ćorić discredited journalist Hrvoje Krešić by citing the latter's private conversations. Bewilderment in the associations in defense of journalists

Journalists and media workers need to be protected when covering demonstrations and protests


Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) partners are concerned about the increased violence against media professionals at protests and demonstrations across EU Member States and Candidate Countries in the last months and call for increased protection