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Looking for the Albanian route

16/03/2016 -  Giovanni Vale Tirana

A still landscape of clay, low trees, and white rocks. Albania looks with apprehension at its southern border, increasing patrols should any refugee appear. A report

Symβiosis: Greece after the shutdown

15/03/2016 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini

The Balkan route shutdown is prompting a humanitarian crisis in Greece. The situation in the north of the country: interview with Despina Syrri

Istanbul, in the traffickers' net

08/03/2016 -  Dimitri BettoniFilippo Cicciù Istanbul

For the vast majority of refugees and migrants, using the Turkish network of traffickers is the only choice in order to start the journey along the Balkan Route. Our report

Bulgaria: Dinko, the shameful "super-hero"

02/03/2016 -  Francesco Martino Sofia

One of the main TV stations in Bulgaria, bTV, glorifies a man who hunts migrants and wants them dead. This is the story

National minorities under the Georgian Dream

02/03/2016 -  Marilisa Lorusso Tbilisi

Giorgi Bobghiashvili, of the European Centre for Minority Issues, spoke to us about national minorities and inclusive policies in Georgia ahead of the next general elections

Kosovo: The two reasons why Thaci’s election is not valid

01/03/2016 -  Andrea Lorenzo Capussela

Hashim Thaci’s election as Kosovo president is invalid. According to Andrea Capussela, it should be challenged before the Constitutional Court, since it breaches the rules previously established by the Court itself

Sarajevo: the road to nonviolence

01/03/2016 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini Sarajevo

Twenty years after the end of the war, veterans from opposing sides deal with the past joining the programs of the Centre for Nonviolent Action

How Kosovo avoided losing €18 million

23/02/2016 -  Andrea Lorenzo Capussela

With its ruling on the "AUK deal", EULEX saved Kosovo’s budget from losing €18 million. Unfortunately, in these years, such effective action was often missing. The two faces of the EU mission. A comment

The second life of Slobodna Bosna

22/02/2016 -  Rodolfo Toè Sarajevo

Slobodna Bosna, a leading Bosnian weekly, is no longer in newsstands. While many mourn the loss, the magazine may be about to start a successful second life on the web

Elderly Bulgarians: the lost generation

15/02/2016 -  Francesco Martino Sofia

Bulgaria is the EU country with the highest rate of elderly people at risk of poverty, isolation and social exclusion. Our report

Macedonia: SOS Ohrid

11/02/2016 -  Ilcho Cvetanoski

The town and lake Ohrid are endangered by a vast urbanization plan, which is opposed by local citizens and international scholars

Hippy Yugoslavia

09/02/2016 -  Azra Nuhefendić

In the Seventies, a group of young hipsters leave Yugoslavia looking for the Buddhist monk Čedomil Veljačič, ending up in Morocco

Sarajevo, ERMA hijacked by local politics

08/02/2016 -  Rodolfo Toè Sarajevo

The ERMA master's degree in human rights and democracy, flagship programme of the Universities of Sarajevo and Bologna, is not receiving the funds made available by the EU and the Italian Government because of internal feuds in the Bosnian University

EU: the fall

03/02/2016 -  Stefano Lusa Capodistria

Dramatic days in the history of the Union have disturbing similarities with the early '90s, when everything changed very quickly and Yugoslavia collapsed

Azerbaijan: Mission Nardaran Challenge

02/02/2016 -  Arzu Geybullayeva

Protests in Nardaran, a majority conservative Shia village in the outskirts of Baku, indicate a growing discontent for the country's difficult social and economic conditions

Thaci will not become president: a civic hero will...

26/01/2016 -  Andrea Lorenzo Capussela

According to a judgement of the Kosovo Constitutional Court, all the deputies in the National Assembley must be present to choose the next president. This is why, mantains Andrea Capussela, Hashim Thaci is not going to be elected

Turkey, between Iran and Saudi Arabia

26/01/2016 -  Fazıla Mat Istanbul

The new international openings towards Iran introduce a possibility of economic cooperation between Ankara and Tehran, two regional powers so far divided

Serbia: journalists on the streets

20/01/2016 -  Antonela Riha Belgrade

Journalists protest all over Serbia. The Prime Minister, Aleksandar Vučić, says it as an attempt to destabilize the government, and calls for early elections

A new President for Kosovo

20/01/2016 -  Violeta Hyseni Kelmendi Pristina

The Kosovo President, Atifete Jahjaga, ends her mandate in early April, but who is going to succeed her?

Azerbaijan, the black list

14/01/2016 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini

The Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Italy has published a long list of journalists, banning them from the country