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Watching Bosnia in New York City: "May 31st" and "Trnopolje, a forgotten summer"

30/05/2014 -  Caterina Bonora New York

The Bosnian Herzegovinian Film Festival in New York City recently premiered a documentary movie on the White Armband Initiative, the event taking place in Prijedor each year on May 31st. Transitional justice experts Refik Hodžić and Eldar Sarajlić discussed the process of dealing with the past in the country

Yerevan: the Mikoyan monument

28/05/2014 -  Simone Zoppellaro Yerevan

The decision to build a monument to the memory of Anastas Mikoyan, Armenian leader in the former USSR, has sparked a controversy on the soviet legacy and on Russian-Armenian relations

Lonely Croatian hills

27/05/2014 -  Giovanni Vale Zagabria

Zagreb is asking the EU for help to cope with the floods that have hit the country. But in the Gorski Kotar, between Rijeka and Zagreb, citizens are still waiting for the funds to cover the damage caused by February's disastrous frost wave

Croatia: GMOs? No, thank you!

23/05/2014 -  Nicole Corritore

The European debate on the authorization for cultivating Pioneer 1507 corn has raised fears in the youngest country of the Union, where all regions have declared themselves "GMO free"

Sarajevo, One Hundred Years

21/05/2014 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini Sarajevo

Commemorating the centennial of the outbreak of World War I in Sarajevo is an expression of cynicism, according to journalist and writer Zlatko Dizdarević*

Media in Serbia: the government's double standard

20/05/2014 -  Dragan Janjić Belgrade

Aleksandar Vučić's government seems to be adopting a double standard when it comes to media: one for the EU, one for Serbia, with tight control over newspapers and television stations

Armenia: New Hopes and New Fears

16/05/2014 -  Mikayel Zolyan Yerevan

The 99th Anniversary Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide and the 20th anniversary of the Nagorno Karabakh ceasefire have recently interweaved marking the two main external challenges for today's Armenia

LGBT in the Balkans: “Two steps forward and one step back”

12/05/2014 -  Tomas Miglierina Brussels

Dutch MEP Marije Cornelissen (Greens/EFA) – a member of the Parliamentary Group for the rights of homosexual, lesbian, bisexual and transgender persons—describes the current state of the fight against homophobia and for LGBT rights in the Balkans

Serbia, 15 years after the bombings

08/05/2014 -  Federico Sicurella Belgrade

15 years after the NATO raids, Serbian society is dealing with a recent past marked by diverging narratives

Arrest spree in Azerbaijan

08/05/2014 -  Arzu Geybullayeva

Baku is heading to chair the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, the continent’s leading human rights organisation, with an embarrassing record of prisoners of conscience

Europe: freedom of the press at stake

02/05/2014 -  Daniela Mogavero

Tomorrow is the World Press Freedom Day. According to Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Nils Muižnieks, worrying patterns are eroding press freedom also in Europe

European Elections in Cyprus: United by Disinterest

30/04/2014 -  Francesco Grisolia

All the citizens of Cyprus, whether in the north or the south, could theoretically vote in the European elections. But this will not happen. The Greek Cypriots are showing scarce interest, while the Turkish-Cypriots are restricted by voting regulations

Romania: Social Capital

30/04/2014 -  Daniela Mogavero

The youth of Romania took to the streets in order to defend the environment against multinational corporations and local politicians. A new generation is the protagonist of Romania’s first social movement since the collapse of communism. An interview with the scholar, Chiara Milan

Erdoğan’s “New Turkey”

29/04/2014 -  Arzu Geybullayeva Istanbul

While Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdoğan heralds the advent of a new Turkey, his war on social media and new powers granted to intelligence agencies raise fears about freedom of information and the state of democracy in the country

Romania, European elections copy-paste

29/04/2014 -  Mihaela Iordache

Many of the 32 European Parliament seats available for Romania will be re-occupied, in all probability, by the very outgoing MEPs. There is poor political turnover in a country which is looking to Europe with an eye on November's presidential elections

Armenians of Kessab: Hostages of the Civil War

24/04/2014 -  Mikayel Zolyan Yerevan

The small Armenian-populated town Kessab in north-western Syria found itself in the middle of a battle since the end of March. 99 Years after the Genocide the Plight of Syria’s Armenians Stirs Memories of 1915

Georgia’s European Integration Still On Track, But Stumbling Blocks Remain

22/04/2014 -  Onnik Krikorian Tbilisi

In Georgia the majority of the population is in favor of closer ties with the European Union. However this will depend on progress made in terms of human rights protection and it is in these issues that stumbling blocks might frustrate Georgian ambitions

Croatia, a law threatens journalists

18/04/2014 -  Drago Hedl Osijek

Croatia's new Criminal Code establishes the offence of "humiliation", a barrier to freedom of expression that has already claimed its first victim among journalists – Slavica Lukić, of newspaper Jutarnji list

Sarajevo, the shopping centres bloom

16/04/2014 -  Andrea De Noni Sarajevo

The Bosnian capital has a new shopping centre, the “Sarajevo City Center”. It is the fourth within a radius of a kilometre, in a country where the population is increasingly poor. But the city loves its malls

Romania, the EU orphans

11/04/2014 -  Daniela Mogavero

The marginalization of vulnerable categories of citizens, namely minors, in Romania, must stop, says Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe, Nils Muižnieks