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Teens left behind

25/07/2014 -  Cristina Bezzi

In her documentary "Aici... adica acolo", the journalist and director Laura Capatana addresses the issue of children left behind in Romania leading us through the daily lives of two teenagers

Bulgaria, towards new early elections

22/07/2014 -  Francesco Martino Sofia

Dysfunctional politics, institutional crisis, banking fever. This is the image of Bulgaria after last May's European vote. Our report

Aleksandar Vučić: from deck hand to captain of media control in Serbia

14/07/2014 -  Hrvoje Šimičević

Svetlana Lukić, editor of "Peščanik": the long rule of the Democratic Party, Boris Tadić, and his court set up a mechanism of media control. Vučić - once Milošević's minister of Information- inherited it and added his own, Šešelj-style, "charm"

'Journalism' in Greece: 100 euros a month for 100 copy-pastes a day

11/07/2014 -  The Press Project

A job listing recently posted to a well-known classified ad site highlights the dismal level to which the job market for journalists has plummeted in Greece. The ad is seeking a 'writer' who will post 100 articles a day to a website for the princely sum of 100 euros a month

Macedonia: analyst caught in political crossfire over Freedom House report

09/07/2014 -  Svetla Dimitrova

Ljubica Grozdanovska Dimishkovska, author of international report critical of the country's level of democracy, was criticised for her analysis, with pro-government media seeing it as serving the interests of the opposition as well as those of Greece

Eulex’s new clothes

04/07/2014 -  Andrea Lorenzo Capussela

Keeping a toothless Eulex in Kosovo for two more years is not only a waste of money. It is also providing legitimacy to the decisions of vulnerable judges

Azerbaijan from where Aliyev stands

03/07/2014 -  Arzu Geybullayeva

Baku currently chairs the Council of Europe, the continent's leading human rights organization, while cracking down on political prisoners at home

Bosnia and Herzegovina: in the shelters

02/07/2014 -  Andrea De Noni Sarajevo

About a thousand Bosnian citizens remain housed in temporary shelters in the aftermath of the floods that devastated the country last May. Neither they nor the institutions have any certainty about what to expect in the coming months

Israel and the Armenian Genocide

27/06/2014 -  Simone Zoppellaro Yerevan

Next year the centennial of the Armenian genocide will be remembered. In the international debate on recognition, a special position is that of Israel

Kosovo at a critical juncture

26/06/2014 -  Andrea Lorenzo Capussela

Following the parliamentary elections of June 8, in Kosovo a new political landscape is emerging. Will it be more democratic? A comment

The missing page in the Association Agreements

24/06/2014 -  Giorgio ComaiMirela Oprea

It might be one page, one paragraph, or just two lines. But the importance of including child protection in EU’s Association Agreements cannot be overestimated

Grandfather Alija goes to war

23/06/2014 -  Azra Nuhefendić

The Bosnians fought in the ranks of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire faithfully, on the various fronts of the First World War. Upon their return, however, soldiers were plagued by nightmares. The story of grandfather Alija

Fleeing Crimea

13/06/2014 -  Danilo Elia

Thousands of Tatar families have left the Crimea after the annexation by Russia. The community, which has always been in favour of the union with Ukraine, feels now threatened by the new authorities. Many have found hospitality in Lviv

Bulgaria, the Decline in Media Freedom

10/06/2014 -  Francesco Martino Sofia

In Bulgaria, freedom of the press and expression has dramatically declined in recent years. Among the principle causes are media concentration, self-censorship and pressure on journalists. We spoke about this with Professor Orlin Spasov

Serbia: the Internet under censorship attack

06/06/2014 -  Dragan Janjić Belgrade

The Serbian government is facing increasingly frequent accusations of web censorship. The interventions by the OSCE and the European Commission, the reactions of prime minister Vučić

European elections in Cyprus: between confirmations and frustrations

04/06/2014 -  Francesco Grisolia

The EU elections confirmed traditional electoral trends in Cyprus, with a record level of abstention and two seats each for the two main Greek-Cypriots parties. Controversies mounted about thousands of Turkish-Cypriots citizens not allowed to vote

Croatia, the SDP staggers after defeat in EU elections

03/06/2014 -  Drago Hedl Osijek

Crushing defeat for the Social Democrats of Prime minister Milanović. The HDZ, currently in opposition, ranks first party in the country

European elections in Greece: SYRIZA wins, the government resists

02/06/2014 -  Francesco Martino

Alexis Tsipras' radical left (SYRIZA)is the winner of the European elections in Greece. Yet, despite the defeat, conservative prime minister Samaras rejected the request for early elections and is preparing for a government reshuffle

European elections: the green party ranks third in Croatia

30/05/2014 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

The environmentalist party ORaH, born just six months ago, managed to rank third in the European elections in Croatia with 9.4%. The celebrations at the headquarters and the preparations for the upcoming 2015 political elections

Concerns Linger About Sexual Minority Rights in Georgia

30/05/2014 -  Onnik Krikorian Tbilisi

Following last year’s rampage by conservatives targeting LGBT activists intent on marking 17 May as the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT), the Georgian Orthodox Church this year instead declared the day as one celebrating family unity. And while civil society did not take the attempt to hijack IDAHOT lying down, some are concerned that this is just the start