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Rivers of the Balkans: the Kupa of Karlovac

23/05/2023 -  Giovanni Vale

Few cities can boast of being crossed by four rivers. Karlovac is one of them. Kupa, Dobra, Korana, and Mrežnica. A river city that saw its golden age towards the end of the eighteenth century. Our reportage continues along the Kupa River

Serbia and Ukraine, a forgotten friendship

23/05/2023 -  Massimo Moratti Belgrade

Serbia and Ukraine used to have close geopolitical positions, but such friendship has been jeopardised by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. A study tries to take stock of the bilateral relations between Kyiv and Belgrade. We interviewed author Kateryna Shymkevych

South Tyrol, journalism of "curiosity, enthusiasm, and tough skin"

22/05/2023 -  Paola Rosà

The acquittal of the authors of an investigative book on discontent within the majority party comes in a local context where the rule of law is severely tested by the interweaving of media concentration, economic interests, politics and business, family ties, and various anomalies

Turkey elections: disappointment and uncertainties in the south-east of the country

17/05/2023 -  Francesco Brusa

After last Sunday's vote, in southeastern Turkey between Van and Ağrı, the prevailing sentiment is that of resignation, if not bitter pessimism. The pre-election euphoria has given way to profound uncertainty

Armenia-Azerbaijan, possible progress registered at Brussels meeting

17/05/2023 -  Onnik James Krikorian Tbilisi

On Sunday, 14 May, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev met in Brussels for renewed talks hosted by European Council President Charles Michel. Still many unresolved points but some small progress appears

Turkey, second round for the presidential elections

16/05/2023 -  Fazıla Mat

No winners in the first round of the Turkish presidential elections on May 14. Outgoing president Erdoğan and his challenger Kılıçdaroğlu will go to the second round on May 28. The analysis of the vote and the results of the parliamentary elections

Turkey’s elections: a new chance for the opposition

12/05/2023 -  Fazıla Mat

For the first time in over twenty years in power, Erdoğan is facing a coalition and an opponent who could give him a run for his money in the elections on Sunday 14 May. Polls put both the outgoing president and his main challenger Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, leader of the CHP, at 45%

Serbia in shock and in mourning

11/05/2023 -  Antonela Riha

In two days, Serbia witnessed two massacres in which 17 people died and several were injured, many of whom were minors. Unprecedented facts that have shocked the country so far. The news of the events and the behaviour of the media and politicians after the massacres

North Macedonia, the highway of discord

10/05/2023 -  Aleksandar Samardjiev Tetovo

The current Macedonian government wants to speed up the construction of road infrastructure: to do so, it is changing several laws and awarding the contract without a tender. Procedures which, according to the opposition, mainly damage the treasury in favor of private interests

U.S. Hosts Armenian and Azerbaijani Foreign Ministers for Possible Roadmap to Peace Treaty

09/05/2023 -  Onnik James Krikorian

From 1 to 4 May, the United States hosted a meeting of talks between the Armenian Foreign Minister and his Azerbaijani counterpart. Few details of the meeting: there was some progress but points of disagreement remain on some key issues

Turkey, the elections and Gen-Z

05/05/2023 -  Kenan Behzat Sharpe Istanbul

The political elections in Turkey, scheduled for May 14, will be fundamental in defining the future of the country, dominated for over twenty years by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. A key role will be played by younger voters, the so-called "Generation Z"

1917: a Bosnian minaret in the Dolomites?

04/05/2023 -  Marco Abram

Thousands of Bosnian soldiers served in the Austro-Hungarian ranks during the First World War. Now a project uncovers and recounts their traces in Trentino

Media pluralism in a legal limbo in Serbia

02/05/2023 -  Massimo Moratti Belgrade

The allocation of national broadcasting frequencies in Serbia highlights the lack of transparency and pluralism in the sector. Frequencies are only awarded to government-friendly media. Concerns have been expressed by both the European Commission and the European Parliament

Armenia-Azerbaijan, tensions rise as Baku establishes border control on Lachin Corridor

26/04/2023 -  Onnik James Krikorian

On April 23, Azerbaijan announced the creation of a checkpoint on the Lachin corridor, a move immediately criticized by the de facto authorities of Nagorno Karabakh and those of Armenia. The United States and France have also expressed concerns

Bosnia and Herzegovina: a conference to discuss the Constitution and European integration

21/04/2023 - 

The international conference "Bosnia and Herzegovina: Constitution and EU Accession", which concluded the international project within the CEI Know-how Exchange Program, financed by the CEI Fund (EBRD), was held on April 12, 2023 in ceremonial hall of the University of Sarajevo

Islands in Croatia: Otra, development agency

20/04/2023 -  Nicole CorritoreDavide Sighele Cres

In Cres and nearby Losinj there are many territorial development projects that can be promoted thanks to the support of the European Union. But nothing could be done without those who care about the future of local communities

Weaponizing GDPR: How EU data protection threatens press freedom in Greece

17/04/2023 -  Alessio Giussani

The instrumental use of EU data protection threatens press freedom in Greece. The case of journalist Stavroula Poulimeni and the independent media outlet Alterthess, sentenced in the first instance to pay compensation of 3,000 euros to Efstathios Lialos, executive of the Hellas Gold gold mine

Europe and energy communities

13/04/2023 -  Ornaldo Gjergji

Energy communities are projects in which citizens associate both as producers and consumers of clean energy at a local level. There are already many of them, including in South-Eastern Europe. They could be supported by EU cohesion policy, but that is not the case yet

North Macedonia, low wages and labour shortage

13/04/2023 -  Aleksandar Samardjiev Tetovo

In recent decades North Macedonia has been affected by a very strong emigration trend and today more and more companies struggle to find staff. Among the solutions proposed, there is that of encouraging the arrival of workers from non-European countries

Cres, the sheep, Europe

12/04/2023 -  Davide Sighele

Local official in the morning, farmer in the afternoon. Franjo Toic is the emblem of what Europe can be: local, global, with a strong civic and community sense. An encounter