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Multiculturalism, the Heritage of Istria

02/07/2008 -  Francesca VanoniDavide Sighele

During the 80s a group of intellectuals proponed the idea of Istrian identity based on multilingualism and multiculturalism. One of them was Ivan Jakovcic, at present president of the Region of Istria

The Exception Belgrade didn't see

27/06/2008 -  André Cunha

Few real exchanges of experiences occur between Belgrade and Pristina. One of the few recent attempts to break the isolation was "Exception", a retrospective of the contemporary art scene in Pristina. The exhibition ran in Novi Sad, but not in Belgrade, where extremist protestors violently obstructed it

Powering the New Kosovo

27/06/2008 -  V. Kasapolli Pristina

Kosovo suffers from a chronic lack of energy. To overcome the power shortage, the government gambled on the "Kosovo C" project, a coal-based power station expected to start production in 2015. What is most needed now, though, are a wide public debate and a clear development strategy in the energy sector

A stroll in Tirana

26/06/2008 -  Rando Devole

Public and private space. The latter eats up the former, chewing away bits of freedom and identity. The collective dimension overwhelmed by traffic and private property. A sociological reflection on urban planning in Tirana

The Business of Construction

25/06/2008 -  Jadranka Gilić Podgorica

In order to improve its tourist industry, Montenegro should follow its own guidelines for promoting sustainable development and preserving the environment. However, the nongovernmental sector has been reporting misconduct by the construction industry and suspicious investments, primarily along the coast

Capital Sins

23/06/2008 -  Mihaela Iordache

The second round of local elections in Bucharest brought victory to the independent candidate Sorin Oprescu. The mayor-elect will have to come to grips with the serious problems of an overpopulated city, which has less green space, more illegal construction, and traffic at the verge of collapse

Crime Novel

19/06/2008 -  Francesco Martino Sofia

How was organized crime in Bulgaria born and how did it develop over recent years? Who are its protagonists? And what was its response to the challenges posed by the entry of the country into the EU? An interview with Tihomir Bezlov, senior analyst of the Center for the Study of Democracy

Election Re-Run: Democracy Under Arms

18/06/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

There was a sigh of relief in Macedonia at the closing of polls on Sunday. The re-run of the troubled early national election, held under heavy security arrangements, went quietly. For the international factor, though, despite improvements, the elections failed to meet international standards

Sarajevo Spring

16/06/2008 -  Federico Sicurella Sarajevo

The demonstrations that took place in the Bosnian capital over the past months, from those against social degradation to those against corruption in politics and in the sports world, mark the growth of a civil society free from nationalist rhetoric

Macedonia at the mirror II

13/06/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

Partial rerun will be held in Macedonia on June 15 after irregularities had been found in the country's general election. Our correspondent talks about the current political situation with Daut Dauti, ndependent analyst and political columnist

Macedonia at the mirror I

13/06/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

Partial rerun will be held in Macedonia on June 15 after irregularities had been found in the country's general election. Our correspondent talks about the current political situation with Zidas Daskalovski, professor of political science at Skopje University and president of the Institute for Research and Policy Making

The Atomic Berisha

12/06/2008 -  Marjola Rukaj

The Albanian Prime Minister, Sali Berisha, has proposed constructing a nuclear power plant in Albania. The Berlusconi government in Italy is the first strategic partner to receive his request for cooperation. Experts and analysts interpret the proposal as a joke; environmentalists again suggest alternative sources

Bitter Salad

11/06/2008 -  Gilda Lyghounis

With an official inflation rate of 4.4 percent (highest in the European Union), a real rate estimated at 6 percent, and food prices rising at 7 percent annually, Greece risks becoming the most expensive country in the EU. Most Greek families suffer from the crisis

A Huge Victory and a Huge Shame

03/06/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

The Sunday national vote brought a huge victory for ruling VMRO, but also a huge embarrassment for Macedonia.The numerous violent incidents which took place on election day, and even cost human life, pushed the country back on its European path

Beyond the Divided City (II)

03/06/2008 -  Gian Matteo Apuzzo

The efforts of Gorizia and Nova Gorica to construct a "common city" which rises beyond divisions created by the border have resulted in cross-border service, European projects, and missed opportunities

Beyond the Divided City (I)

26/05/2008 -  Gian Matteo Apuzzo

Although separated by the Iron Curtain, by turning themselves into a testing ground, Gorizia and Nova Gorica have over the years become a symbol of integration. How does cooperation proceed after the fall of the border? The first of three articles

Elections and Violence. Can Macedonia Rise to the Challenge?

19/05/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

Just a few days into the campaign ahead of 1 June early elections, Macedonia is under serious temptation.The election campaign which officially started 10 May has been marred by incidents and violence since the very beginning. Macedonia has very little time to correct things

The Old Bazaar

08/05/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

The Old Bazaar is the ancient heart of Skopje. Today it's but a pale remnant of what it once was: a bit dirty and dusty, but still brisk and dynamic. The Old Bazaar, though, is waiting for its next rebirth, and to gain back it's central role in the economic and social life of the city

EULEX inside UNMIK, too late?

23/04/2008 -  André Cunha Pristina

Major General Raul Cunha, Chief Military Liaison Officer of UNMIK, is very critical towards the "incoherence of the Western international community" in Kosovo. He focuses his criticisms on the way EULEX is preparing to start its work and argues that the UN will have to stay longer, at least in Serb-dominated areas

Italian - Slovene Commission: Toward Shared History

22/04/2008 -  Chiara Sighele

From 1993 to 2000 Italian and Slovene scholars have worked on a volume about the relations between their two countries. Eight years have passed but the Commission's work has not yet been properly distributed