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Chiara Sighele - Projects Director

MA in European Project Development promoted by the Europelago Foundation and the Italian Association of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions. Degree in Political Science from the University of Pavia. She has researched the role of Germany's Turkish community in relation with Turkey's accession to the EU. She has worked for the Immigrants' Integration office of the municipality of Konstanz, Germany, and in the Italian Embassy in Sofia, Bulgaria. She has been at Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso since 2007.

Articles by Chiara Sighele

Chiara Sighele’s speech

24/10/2023 -  Chiara Sighele

Media-Democracy Nexus in the European Space

17 October Roma

CHIARA SIGHELE Programme Director at OBC Transeuropa

Jeopardising the effectiveness of journalism in South East Europe: the role of extra-legal policy mechanisms

16/03/2017 -  Chiara Sighele

A range of extra-legal policy mechanisms are used by those in power to prevent journalists from fulfilling their watchdog role in society. Examples from countries of South East Europe (SEE) where extra-legal policy mechanisms are deployed to stifle journalism

Cities in search of an author II

18/03/2009 -  Chiara Sighele

With his eclectic studies, urban researcher Kai Vöckler, curator of the exhibition Balkanology: New Architecture and Urban Phenomena in South-eastern Europe is trying to accomplish a "mission impossible": to prove that a participatory and sustainable urban life is also possible in South-eastern Europe. Second part of our interview

Cities in search of an author I

16/03/2009 -  Chiara Sighele

With his eclectic studies, urban researcher Kai Vöckler, curator of the exhibition Balkanology: New Architecture and Urban Phenomena in South-eastern Europe is trying to accomplish a "mission impossible": to prove that a participatory and sustainable urban life is also possible in South-eastern Europe. First part of an interview

Italian - Slovene Commission: Toward Shared History

22/04/2008 -  Chiara Sighele

From 1993 to 2000 Italian and Slovene scholars have worked on a volume about the relations between their two countries. Eight years have passed but the Commission's work has not yet been properly distributed