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Turkish TV series: a global success

22/04/2024 -  Kenan Behzat Sharpe

In recent decades, Turkish television series have experienced astonishing success, becoming one of the country's most significant economic and cultural exports. If they sell abroad, however, TV series are subjected to ever-increasing government pressure

Greece, fires and responsibility

19/04/2024 -  Mary Drosopoulos Thessaloniki

In the controversial trial for the disastrous fire that destroyed the Moria refugee camp on the island of Lesvos, which ended with a conviction, the defence used new scientific data on the fragility of ecosystems to the threat of fire

Romania, deforestation alert

18/04/2024 -  Laura Popa

Coal Mining Expansion Leads to Deforestation: Over 470 Hectares of Forest Cut Down in Gorj, Romania. At the same time, Romania has committed itself, through the NRP, to phasing out lignite and hard coal energy production and to the phased closure of mines by December 2032

Renewable energy, more EU funds in the 2021-2027 period

12/04/2024 -  Ornaldo Gjergji

With the funds allocated by cohesion policy, the EU has significantly increased investments in the production of renewable energy, thus providing significant help to member states in achieving decarbonisation objectives

Afan, between asphalt and grass

10/04/2024 -  Lidija Pisker

Being a factory town best known for its steel mill and polluted air, Zenica is probably not the first place you would want to visit in Bosnia and Herzegovina. But the socialist face of Zenica and the nature that surrounds it is becoming more and more interesting for tourists, thanks to one young enthusiastic tour guide

Yerevan’s tilt westwards

09/04/2024 -  Onnik James Krikorian

Yerevan’s tilt westwards has not been without problems, it faces economic diversification efforts and geopolitical complexities

Media in Albania, under the blows of power

03/04/2024 -  Erion Gjatolli Tirana

The recent angry attack by the Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama against a journalist has brought the constant pressure and intimidation that the power in Albania exerts on the media and media professionals back under the spotlight

Security concerns mount amid Armenia-Azerbaijan border talks

03/04/2024 -  Onnik James Krikorian

Following a recent live interview, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has hinted that the long and difficult process of border demarcation with Azerbaijan could potentially be ready to start. There are other signs, however, that the process carries with it substantial risks both regionally and domestically

Balkan rivers: "Water is never just water"

02/04/2024 -  Marco Ranocchiari

The defence of rivers and water: a highly symbolic struggle which in recent years has successfully mobilised very different layers of the societies of south-eastern Europe, bringing to light both potential and contradictions. An interview

Romania: Green Energy on Apartment Blocks

29/03/2024 -  Laura Popa

Installing photovoltaic panels in condominiums in Romania can be a real challenge, given the difficulty of obtaining permits and authorizations. But to increase the impact of solar we must also promote a community attitude on energy and ecological issues

Sustainable fashion: Mirjana's hats

27/03/2024 -  Aleksandar Samardjiev Tetovo

A young student, designer and entrepreneur from North Macedonia decided to make her dreams come true by developing hats produced by reusing waste materials. The idea is enjoying great success

Pulse, a new collaborative journalism project on European affairs

26/03/2024 -  Redazione

Last week saw the presentation in Brussels of "PULSE. Europe beyond the beat", an ambitious project coordinated by OBCT aimed at making collaboration among European newsrooms a tool to harness the coverage of European affairs

‘Luka’, a Tale of War, Justice and Forgiveness

25/03/2024 -  Ian Bancroft*

This is the first of two extracts from Ian Bancroft’s new novel, which tells of lives scarred by wars past and present and whose main characters - L., U., K., and A. - are confronted with the dilemmas of truth and justice, and the struggle to reconcile and forgive

North Macedonia, media and public funds

21/03/2024 -  Aleksandar Samardjiev Tetovo

In view of the upcoming political and presidential elections, the Macedonian government has reintroduced forms of public funding for the media. However, the country's media organisations argue that the move may aggravate the influence of political interests on news outlets

Armenia, one step closer to the EU

21/03/2024 -  Onnik James Krikorian

European Parliament resolution highlights Armenia’s growing relationship with the EU, but many questions remain

Private universities in Greece, education and democracy

15/03/2024 -  Mary Drosopoulos Thessaloniki

Last March 8, the Greek parliament approved a law that enables the creation of private universities: a provision that divides the country, bringing the right to education and democracy back under the spotlight

Croatia, Plenković against the European Prosecutor's Office

14/03/2024 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

Post-earthquake European funds awarded without tender: according to a journalistic investigation, this is embezzlement. This is where an open conflict arises between the European Prosecutor's Office and Croatian Prime Minister Plenković, which risks having repercussions also on the upcoming legislative elections

EU funds: absorption difficulties persist

12/03/2024 -  Maura Madeddu

A study by the European Parliament examined the use of cohesion funds in the seven-year period 2014-2020, highlighting a decrease in absorption rates. It is necessary to reform the administrative system at national level and simplify the rules governing cohesion policy

Ćerimagić: Regional cooperation to be linked to EU membership

11/03/2024 -  Gentiola Madhi

The EU has invested considerable efforts in stimulating regional cooperation in the Balkans over the last decades, yet the results are questionable. Which are the reasons behind such slow progress and where does Bosnia and Herzegovina stand? We talked about it with Adnan Ćerimagić analyst at ESI

The Armenian dream for Indians

06/03/2024 -  Armine Avetisyan Yerevan

The number of Indians moving to Armenia is increasing and for thousand of them Armenia is a dream, but not everyone's dream comes true right away