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Turkey, wave of strikes

16/02/2022 -  Kenan Sharpe Istanbul

Squeezed between galloping inflation and insufficient wages, more and more workers in Turkey go on strike. A wave of protests that started in home delivery, but which soon spread throughout sectors

Greece: going to jail for saving lives?

11/02/2022 -  Mary Drosopoulos Thessaloniki

Twenty-four volunteers involved in rescuing migrants and refugees at sea are on trial in Greece. A controversial case, which targets that part of Greek and European civil society committed to saving lives in the Mediterranean

Slovenia: Robert Golob vs. Janez Jansa

10/02/2022 -  Stefano Lusa

Robert Golob will be Janez Jansa's main antagonist in the political elections of next 24 April. He is the only one who seems to have the charisma to stand up to the master and father of the centre-right and his plans to bring Slovenia towards Hungary

Albania, civil society on the move

08/02/2022 -  Davide Sighele

In the last thirty years in Albania, only the main parties have managed to bring people to the streets to protest, with some notable exceptions. An interview with researcher Klodiana Beshku

Bosnia and Herzegovina, between the anvil and the hammer: an analysis of the programs of the major ethno-national parties

07/02/2022 -  Dražen Barbarić

By comparing the programs of the major political parties in Bosnia and Herzegovina it is possibile not only to explain the current paralyses of the country's political system, but also to guess what political and media tools the main political actors might use trying to change the current institutional structure of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Romania: Ciugud, European funds make a difference

06/02/2022 -  Mihaela Iordache

Ciugud, in Transylvania, is the Romanian municipality with the most investments per capita in European funds. Let's discover this phenomenon, in contrast to national data

Sezen Aksu, freedom of expression denied in Turkey

04/02/2022 -  Kenan Sharpe Istanbul

A recent intimidation campaign against Sezen Aksu, the queen of Turkish music, has highlighted how artists as well as politicians, journalists, and activists are subjected to censorship and pressure from power in the country

Covid-19 and prisons: painful closures and encouraging innovations

04/02/2022 -  Lorenzo Ferrari

An interview with Alessio Scandurra, director of the European Prison Observatory, to understand the impact of the pandemic on European prisons, in terms of both healthcare and opportunities for inmates.

"We are losing the Balkan lynx"

01/02/2022 -  Marco Ranocchiari

The results of the latest surveys on the Balkan lynx, present only in the mountains of North Macedonia, Albania, and Kosovo, do not bode well for the future of one of the most endangered mammals in Europe

Adriatic-Ionian Region: in search of ecological corridors

27/01/2022 -  Maria Francesca Rita

Green infrastructure, ecological corridors. What are they and how could they contribute to improving the environment in the Adriatic-Ionian region? We talked about it with Senad Oprasic, head of the environmental protection department of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina and coordinator of one of the thematic areas of EUSAIR

North Macedonia: new premier, new European perspectives?

26/01/2022 -  Aleksandar Samardjiev Tetovo

The local elections of last October changed the political landscape in North Macedonia, and in January Social Democrat Dimitar Kovacevski became the new Prime Minister. The declared goal of the new government is to overcome Bulgaria's veto and start EU accession negotiations

Albania-Turkey: Erdogan's visit boosts the bilateral relationship

25/01/2022 -  Gjergji Kajana

On 17 January, Turkish President Erdogan visited Albania. The two countries enjoy a close relationship but the delayed common process toward EU membership and human rights concerns on Gulen’s movement repression cast a shadow on it

Greek investments in Bulgaria: what will happen after Covid-19?

20/01/2022 -  Nicola Zordan

A seminar discussed regional relations in Europe during the pandemic, with Greece-Bulgaria relations among the case studies. But local-scale data would be needed to fully understand the situation, said Nicolas Rossignol of the ESPON programme, and there are few available

EU Track and Trace: the €100m failure

19/01/2022 -  Álvaro Merino

Despite European hopes being invested in the technology, contact tracing apps have only succeeded in tracking 5% of registered cases since they were introduced in the EU. The lack of public confidence in the scheme has proven to be an insurmountable hurdle

Early childhood in Kosovo: learning from food

18/01/2022 -  Davide Sighele

Food is culture, memory but also chemistry, anthropology, mathematics. And kitchens can – and should – be the focus of the educational project of preschools. We interviewed Paola Cavazzoni, managing director of Pause Atelier dei Sapori, after her experience in Kosovo

Tourism in Croatia: the contribution of European cohesion policies

18/01/2022 -  Klaudijo Klaser

Between 2014 and 2020, a significant portion of the funds granted by the EU cohesion policy in Croatia went on training, with numerous projects focused on the tourism sector

Bosnia and Herzegovina: how to organise territorial representation and effectiveness?

14/01/2022 -  Bojan Vlaški

How can the federal system of Bosnia and Herzegovina become more effective? Some proposals by Bojan Vlaški, professor of Law at Banja Luka University. A contribution to the debate we are gathering on the BiH reforms

EU cohesion: the great erasure of gender equality

11/01/2022 -  Gentiola Madhi

The pandemic has accentuated the gender inequalities existing in the EU member states. Things were never great, but an analysis of the last financial period 2014-2020 of cohesion policies highlights how little has been done in this field

Rights at work: together, beyond borders, is better

07/01/2022 -  Chiara Martini

Two cases – the Right2Water campaign and the protests of Ryanair pilots – show how important transnational alliances are for the affirmation of workers' rights. We talked about it with Imre Szabo, Darragh Golden, and Graham Finlay

Cooperation between territories to relaunch enlargement to the Western Balkans

04/01/2022 -  Serena Epis

How can the macro-regional strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR) facilitate enlargement to the Western Balkans? This was discussed in a webinar last October