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Serbia: the government's hypocritical dialogue with civil society

14/09/2021 -  Vukašin Obradović

"It makes no sense for civil society to spend time helping the state devise a strategy that will never be applied. In a country where the rule of law does not exist, there is no point in adopting new laws and strategies". A meeting with Maja Stojanovic, director of Građanske inicijative

Census in Croatia: certification of the population decline

13/09/2021 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

"Croatia is aging, this is the message that the census will give us. But this will not alarm the government which, like a firefighter, is just going to put out the fires". On the day of the start of the general census in Croatia, we interviewed demographer Marin Strmota

“Ada Ciganlija”, Belgrade's seaside

10/09/2021 -  Nicola Dotto Belgrade

A few kilometres from the centre, "Ada Ciganlija" is now Belgrade's favourite escape from the chaos of the city, a green oasis where you can play sports, relax, and swim in the summer; however, few know of its turbulent past

Croatia at the count

07/09/2021 -  Giovanni Vale

The general census is scheduled for Croatia from mid-September to mid-October. A campaign by the far right is underway these days to intimidate the Serbian minority. Depopulation is also in the spotlight

Unemployment and inequalities: the pandemic penalises the youngest

02/09/2021 -  Gianluca De Feo

High unemployment rates, increasingly apparent inequalities, and the digital divide. In the WB6, the crisis risks leaving young people behind and provoking a new wave of migration, but it could also offer new opportunities to revive economies

Serbia: Vucic and the pro-government media against Twitter

30/08/2021 -  Vukašin Obradović Belgrade

Twitter recently flagged some Serbian outlets as "government-affiliated news media". Instead of opening a debate on the decision, the government and President Vucic have embarked on yet another smear campaign against non-aligned media

The pandemic and young people in the Balkans

26/08/2021 -  Gianluca De Feo

The Covid-19 restrictive measures in the Balkans risk putting young people – a segment of the population that has been in constant demographic decline for years – in even more difficulty. A look at the pandemic and the state of the vaccination campaign in the Balkans for the youngest population

Montenegro, a justice free country

24/08/2021 -  Željko Pantelić

Interview with Milka Tadic Mijovic, one of Montenegro's leading journalists and president of the Center for Investigative Journalism, who has always been at the forefront of the fight for a better country and for the defence of freedom of expression

Turkey, growing intolerance for migrants

23/08/2021 -  Filippo Cicciù Istanbul

In Turkey, the recent violence against Syrians in the Altındağ district, in the province of Ankara, has raised the thermometer of intolerance. New migrations from Afghanistan could exasperate the situation

Armenia, babies lost in the adoption system

20/08/2021 -  Armine Avetysian Yerevan

An illegal adoption system was uncovered in Armenia in 2019. Many vulnerable women were misled and persuaded to give up their children, who were later adopted by foreigners.Today, many women are looking for those children

Selective abortion: in Montenegro is still alive

19/08/2021 -  Angela Perissinotto

Sex-selective abortion and son preference are still alive in Montenegro. We talked about that with Diana Dubrovska, a young Latvian anthropologist interested in sex, gender, and sexuality issues who is teaching at Riga Stradins University

Kosovo and early childhood: thinking with your hands

11/08/2021 -  Davide Sighele

Reusing recycled materials in early childhood education: the Creative Recycling Center of Reggio Emilia has recently proposed some workshops to educators from Kosovo. We talked about it with organisational coordinator Laura Pedroni

From Sicily to Greece, a dream on pedals

09/08/2021 -  Maria Francesca Rita

The EUSAIR macro-regional strategy has approved a project for the construction of a bike route that will cross all the countries bordering the Adriatic-Ionian basin. It will be called Adrioncycletour and will integrate the bike paths of nine European countries into a single network

Bulgaria, the state sentenced to compensate Turkish journalist

05/08/2021 -  Francesco Martino Sofia

The European Court of Human Rights condemned Bulgaria for the 2016 extradition of a Turkish journalist, hastily handed over to the Turkish authorities who accused him of being part of the Fehtullah Gülen movement, in violation of national and international rules

Ranking European regions by Olympics medals

04/08/2021 -  Giorgio ComaiLorenzo Ferrari

What if the Olympic medal table was based on the number of medals won by regions, not by countries? Athletes born in Ile-de-France have been particularly successful so far – but also Western Macedonia, Zagreb and Adriatic Croatia have been doing well

Climate: is the EU plan ambitious enough?

03/08/2021 -  Giulia Bassetto

The European Commission has presented the new package of climate proposals to the European Parliament: the goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels and achieve full climate neutrality by 2050

Serbia, fighting for the environment in fragile areas

30/07/2021 -  Eugenio Berra Belgrade

Environmental battles in peripheral areas in Serbia are little known and little studied. Activists and citizens encounter many difficulties in mobilising. Interview with social researchers Jelisaveta Petrovic and Jelena Pesic from the University of Belgrade

Sea of Azov: Mariupol's iron dust

27/07/2021 -  Claudia Bettiol Mariupol

Despite the proximity to the Donbass conflict, there is an air of normalcy in Mariupol, Ukraine. But that very air is heavily polluted by the historic Metinvest metallurgical complex

Serbia: fundamental rights of young people tested by the pandemic

26/07/2021 -  Ivana Draganić

School, the world of work, personal freedoms: young people in Serbia have not been at the centre of the priorities of the institutions in Serbia in this pandemic period – nor were they before

EXIT 2021: a reckless slap in the face of the pandemic?

21/07/2021 -  Nicola Dotto Belgrade

The “EXIT” music festival, the first major mass event in Serbia after over a year of pandemic, has just ended. Despite the strict protocol of procedures and controls, the country is wondering whether the mega-rally was actually needed