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Young people's EU 33

09/12/2021 -  Serena EpisOrnaldo GjergjiPaolo MartinoValentina PacificiMaria Francesca Rita

78 young people from all over Europe gathered in the EU-Balkan Youth Forum to discuss the future of the EU and enlargement towards the Western Balkans

North Macedonia, running out of energy

03/12/2021 -  Aleksandar Samardjiev Tetovo

The authorities of North Macedonia have declared an "energy crisis" due to low production, increasingly expensive imports, and slowness in replacing old coal plants with new ones with renewable energy

Serbia, new environmental protests

02/12/2021 -  Vukašin Obradović Belgrade

In Serbia, the environmental issue is becoming an increasingly important social and political matter. Protests against some controversial laws are bringing numerous citizens and environmental associations to demonstrate in various cities

Bulgaria, lagging behind in disabled people’s rights

02/12/2021 -  Juan Torregrosa Rodriguez

Despite European funding and new measures undertaken by the Sofia authorities, Bulgaria lags behind in safeguarding the rights of people with disabilities who continue to experience high levels of poverty and social marginalization

Serbia: economic development at the expense of workers

30/11/2021 -  Vukašin Obradović Belgrade

The case of the Chinese company Linglong in Zrenjanin exposes the terrible exploitation of workers and the inhumane conditions in which they live. The government tries to downplay the scandal, but this is not the first time that foreign investment has been accompanied by the exploitation of workers

Unicef Montenegro, the pandemic is a child-rights crisis

26/11/2021 -  Giovanni Vale

Difficulties in accessing online education, increasing inequalities between rich and poor families, fewer outdoor activities and increased risk of domestic violence. Children's lives in the pandemic era become more difficult. In Montenegro the situation is serious. We spoke with Juan Santander, UNICEF director in Montenegro

Armenia and Azerbaijan: the waltz of (missed) meetings

25/11/2021 -  Onnik James Krikorian

A trilateral meeting between Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia should take place tomorrow, November 26, in the Russian tourist resort of Sochi. At the center of the diplomatic initiative the possible agreements between the two warring countries. However, the information is still scarce

Romania: 25,000 deaths from pollution per year

23/11/2021 -  Mihaela Iordache

For years the media have denounced that Romania is becoming the landfill of Europe. Yet, the institutions do not intervene, and meanwhile the European Environment Agency reports that the country ranks first in Europe for deaths caused by pollution

Armenia and sport: the virus sets the rules

22/11/2021 -  Armine Avetysian Yerevan

In addition to changing everyday life, the pandemic has also heavily impacted the world of sport. Artyom Arakelyan and Vahagn Davtyan, a coach and an athlete, share their experience

Breaking (Into) Fortress Europe: Are Bottom-Up Migration Policies Still Possible?

19/11/2021 -  Federico Alagna

The EU approach to migration is based on strongly government-centred, restrictive policies, impervious to the external motions of grassroots actors. Yet, there might still be room for a systemic change from below

Boris Dezulovic: hopeless Croatia

18/11/2021 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

Thirty years ago, the siege of the city of Vukovar – one of the symbols of the war in the former Yugoslavia – ended. Boris Dezulovic, leading Croatian journalist, in a recent editorial that we translated, tries to highlight the profound contradictions of today's Vukovar. This, however, earnt him death threats. We interviewed him

Albania and post-Covid19: a look at rural life

12/11/2021 -  Gentiola Madhi

In a space suspended between the digital world and real life in the Covid-19 era, a young Albanian woman returns to her homeland to promote agricultural development, traditions, and equal opportunities in the rural sector

One Year After the 2020 Karabakh War

11/11/2021 -  Onnik James Krikorian Tbilisi

Though the future remains unpredictable, last year’s war between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the disputed territory of Nagorno Karabakh changed the geographical and geopolitical landscape in the South Caucasus after three decades of bitterness, conflict, and division. Now, some analysts hope, there is an opportunity to turn a new page in Armenia-Azerbaijan relations

Slovenia: young environmentalists and the pandemic, the unexpected consequences

08/11/2021 -  Marco Ranocchiari

In Slovenia, as in the rest of the world, Covid-19 has upset the dynamics of youth activism, including the environmental one, which was in full swing before the pandemic. Despite the assembly ban, the closed universities, and the economic crisis, environmentalists have achieved a historic referendum victory with another unexpected consequence: to take root in the rural country, traditionally impervious to mobilisations

Local elections in North Macedonia, the impact on the central government

05/11/2021 -  Aleksandar Samardjiev Tetovo

North Macedonia's runoff elections of October 31 were seen as a test for the ruling social democrats after the centre-right opposition won more municipalities in the first round of voting two weeks ago. Faced with the negative outcome, SDSM President and Prime Minister Zoran Zaev has resigned from both positions

Turkey: Global appeal marks 2000 days in prison for Nedim Türfent

03/11/2021 -  Paola Rosà

We co-signed a call to release Nedim Türfent, behind bars for terrorism after a clearly unfair trial

Croatia, young people and Covid19: lessons learned from the first year of the pandemic

02/11/2021 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

How has the pandemic affected young students in Croatia? A study by the Polyclinic of the City of Zagreb, published last spring, took stock of the situation a year after the first wave of Covid, studying a sample of 22,000 minors

Integration of migrants in European rural areas also means development

02/11/2021 -  Gianluca De Feo

The MATILDE research project recently published its first report, in which it aims to offer an alternative view of migration in Europe’s rural and mountain areas.

“VivaBiH”: vegans in Bosnia and Herzegovina

01/11/2021 -  Nicola Dotto

“VivaBiH” is the first registered organisation fighting for animal rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Since 2016, through projects and media campaigns, it has pursued the complete abolition of systems that exploit any animal, promoting veganism. An interview

Sustainability labels and the carbon footprint of foods

29/10/2021 -  Gianluca De Feo

If the European Union really wants to meet its Green Deal targets, food related emissions must be curbed. To that end, the introduction of "traffic light" sustainability labels could convince Europeans to cut down on their meat consumption.