All the news

The gender gap in EU governments

10/03/2021 -  Openpolis

Women constitute less than a third of the members of governments in the EU member states. This share has been increasing over the years and it is above 50% in a few countries. However, women still struggle when it comes to access to the most influential positions in the government

Armenia and Azerbaijan: women peacebuilders on the post-conflict scenario

08/03/2021 -  Claudia Ditel

Women are not only victims of conflict, but also of gender discrimination, exacerbated by war. We talked about it with peace activists from Armenia and Azerbaijan

Migrations, media, and the pandemic

04/03/2021 -  Majlinda Aliu

In recent years, migrations have been widely covered by the European media, often in controversial terms. With the outbreak of the pandemic, the situation has changed dramatically, but not for the better. An analysis

The impact of EU funds on Covid-19 crisis management

03/03/2021 - 

Before the implementation of additional allocations such as the recovery fund, one of the first instruments put in place by the EU was the possibility for states to redirect their own European funds to deal with the Covid-19 crisis. Let's see how this process played out, in Italy and in other countries

The migrant pay gap

02/03/2021 -  Roberta Bertoldi

The latest ILO report shows that migrant workers have more precarious contracts and earn 13 percent less on average than domestic workers, for equal work. This gap is widening, and is particularly stark for female migrants

The last farewell to Djordje Balasevic, the Pannonian sailor

01/03/2021 -  Božidar Stanišić

Djordje Balasevic (11 May 1953 – 19 February 2021), the greatest Yugoslav singer-songwriter, is gone forever. Almost all of former Yugoslavia joined in grief: Zagreb, Sarajevo, Ljubljana, Novi Sad, Belgrade, Skopje, from Vardar to Triglav

A Grand Tour of global warming in south-east Europe

26/02/2021 -  Antoine Laurent

Drawing inspiration from the long voyages taken by well-off European youths in centuries past, Antoine Laurent takes us on a tour of global warming hotspots in south-east Europe

Serbia between China and Europe

26/02/2021 -  Vukašin Obradović Belgrade

China’s influence in Serbia is growing. In its recent report, the European Parliament expressed concern about the lack of transparency and environmental and social impact assessment of Chinese investments and loans in Serbia and across the Western Balkans

What about the survivors? The importance of a victim-centred approach to transitional justice in the Western Balkans

22/02/2021 -  Giulia Levi

The path of transitional justice has proven difficult and discontinuous, yet it has had a real impact on the lives of ordinary citizens. Survivors’ families and associations, who invested the most emotional labour in the process, however, have often felt left out of the official transitional justice processes

Turkey, one university against the regime

18/02/2021 -  Arzu Geybullayeva Istanbul

For 45 days students and academics at Istanbul’s prestigious university Boğaziçi have protested the appointment of new rector Melih Bulu, a member of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP)

North Macedonia: bees and honey unite what politics divides

17/02/2021 -  Aleksandar Samardjiev Tetovo

In Tetovo, in North Macedonia, the main communities – Macedonian and Albanian – remain divided on many fronts. Driton and Vladimir, however, decided to overcome differences through a common passion for bees and honey

Ukraine: home of cybernetics made in the USSR

16/02/2021 -  Martina Napolitano

The Kiev Institute of Cybernetics was one of the hubs in the USSR for the study and experimentation of computers. For many years mathematician Viktor Gluškov worked there, dreaming of a "paperless" Soviet administration, but his vision clashed with Leonid Brezhnev

Autumn in Toledo

11/02/2021 -  Božidar Stanišić

A trip to Toledo, Spain, on the trail of the Sephardic Jews who were expelled from the Iberian Peninsula in the 15th century and arrived in Bosnia and Herzegovina. A chance for a reflection on memory, the Holocaust, the tragedies of history

Ukraine, not (yet) a country for journalists

10/02/2021 -  Oleksiy Bondarenko

Ukraine has gained some positions in the global ranking of media freedom – sadly, only because of demerits of others, as the situation in the country shows no improvements

From Brazil to Bulgaria: the giants we ignore at our peril

09/02/2021 -  Marco Ranocchiari

Tailing ponds are among the largest and most dangerous structures engineered by humanity, but their operation is virtually unknown to those who don’t live in their vicinity. Europe is no less at risk from incidents than the rest of the world

Serbia: the battle for the TV market

09/02/2021 -  Vukašin Obradović Belgrade

An agreement between Telekom and the Telenor company threatens to completely alter the media market in Serbia. Telekom – with public money and agreements with other groups – threatens to become the dominant actor in Serbian media landscape, penalising media critical towards the government

New elections in Kosovo, stability remains a dream

05/02/2021 -  Arta Berisha Pristina

Kosovo once again goes to early elections, confirming profound political instability that risks having negative repercussions, especially during the pandemic. Early polls give Vetëvendosje a large advantage

Plastic waste: Europe is not recycling enough

05/02/2021 -  Antoine de Ravignan

As a result of more stringent standards, recycling of plastic packaging is set to fall in the EU. Without better industrial capacity, the EU will not reach its 50% target in five years' time. And illegal exports are likely to increase

Co2: the EU disincentives are not working

04/02/2021 -  Ornaldo Gjergji

The EU Emission Trading System, the EU’s main mechanism to disincentivise CO2 emissions, seems not to have had the desired results. Major industrial groups, often with the support of their own governments, profit from systemic weaknesses while continuing to produce energy using fossil fuels

MEPs, migrants, and the Croatian police: tensions at the Croatian-Bosnian border

03/02/2021 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

On Saturday 30 January, on the border between Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Croatian police blocked a group of Italian MEPs – an event that highlights how explosive the situation is and how much the solution can only be a European one