Last week in Sarajevo the publication "Citizens, Constitution, Europe. Glossary of essential costitutional concepts in BiH” was presented. The volume, published by the Faculty of Law of Sarajevo, is the result of an academic discussion lasting several years, dedicated to issues relating to the constitutional order of the country, carried out as part of a project financed by CEI KEP Italy fund, coordinated by the University of Milano-Bicocca
On Monday 20 November the research group of the project Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Constitution and EU Accession, financed by CEI KEP Italy fund and coordinated by the University of Milano-Bicocca, presented in Sarajevo, at the Historical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, an important volume entitled "Citizens, Constitution, Europe. Glossary of essential costitutional concepts in BiH”.
The book, published by the Faculty of Law of Sarajevo, is the result of an academic debate lasting several years dedicated to the constitutional structure of Bosnia and Herzegovina which derives from the Dayton Peace Agreement (Ohio, USA) signed 28 years ago. A glossary that explains Bosnia and Herzegovina, its constitutional peculiarities, how its institutions work, and how to proceed along the path of European integration.
The presentation was organized by the Rectorate of the University of Sarajevo, in collaboration with the Italian Embassy in Sarajevo, thanks to the valuable contribution of Professor Lejla Balić. The glossary - edited by professors Maja Sahadžić (Utrecht University), Damir Banović (University of Sarajevo), Dražen (University of Mostar) and Goran Marković (University of Istočno Sarajevo) - contains explanations and interpretations of 35 fundamental concepts of the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
After welcome greetings from Professor Tatjana Sekulić (University of Milano-Bicocca), Professor Tamara Karača Beljak (Prorector of the University of Sarajevo) and Professor Zinka Grbo (Dean of the Faculty of Law), the ambassador of Italy in Sarajevo HE Marco di Ruzza addressed the participants and the public.
In his speech, the Ambassador underlined the great scientific value of the glossary, defining it as an unprecedented work that serves as an authentic cornerstone of studies on the constitutional system of Bosnia and Herzegovina capable of offering an exceptionally useful reference point. In addition to professionals (politicians, diplomats, professors, researchers, journalists, etc.), this tool is also aimed at the general public who for the first time intends to approach a legal system, that of Dayton's Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is at the same time extremely complex and of great interest.
"We have supported with conviction - explained the Ambassador - the creation and development of this international academic network to provide Bosnia and Herzegovina, as happens in all advanced liberal democracies, with an intellectually free debate independent of political powers, capable of stimulating the local ruling class regarding the most appropriate reform choices, specifically in the perspective of the EU accession process. Therefore, Italy's commitment in assisting the activity of this group of experts, also through the resources of the INCE-EBRD fund, is fully consistent with our action to support the European perspective of Bosnia and Herzegovina and, in general, of the Western Balkans”.
In the second part of the event, professors Tatjana Sekulić, Jens Woelk, Maja Sahadžić, Damir Banović, Joseph Marko, Bojan Vlaški and Dejan Vanjek illustrated the methodology and most significant contents of the Glossary. In conclusion, it was reiterated how important it is to create the preconditions for a broad civic discussion, which goes beyond the academic world, capable of involving the young generations of citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina in a debate on the country's Constitution, with the hope that this publication can be used as an important tool for knowledge.
The Glossary in PDF
The Glossary is available in PDF format in English and can be downloaded from our portal.
This material is published in the context of the project "Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Constitution and the EU accession. An academic platform for discussing the options" supported by the Central European Initiative (CEI). CEI is in no way responsible for the information or views expressed within the framework of the project. The responsibility for the contents lies solely with OBC Transeuropa. Go to the page dedicated to the project