Croatia - Articoli

EU Funds to Support Water Management in Croatia

26/06/2024 -  Massimo Guglietta

Despite joining the European Union more than a decade ago, Croatia has struggled to meet European Union standards for environmental protection, especially in water and waste collection, management and treatment

Ride&Bike between Slovenia and Croatia

18/06/2024 -  Marco Ranocchiari

Peaceful, picturesque and full of history, the hilly regions between Slovenia and Croatia have become a destination for sustainable, cross-border tourism. The transformation was driven by Ride&Bike, a European Cohesion policy project

Trieste-Rijeka, finally by train!

12/06/2024 -  Nicole Corritore

Since April, thanks to EU cohesion funds, the Trieste-Rijeka route has been open: a railway connection with symbolic value is back, decades after being interrupted at the end of the Second World War. We boarded the train on opening day

Zagreb, development all-round

29/05/2024 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

Waste management, post-earthquake reconstruction, urban services: there are various areas in which the administration of the Croatian capital, led by the progressive green coalition "Možemo" (We Can) since 2021, has intervened also thanks to European funds. We talked about it with Luka Korlaet, deputy mayor of Zagreb

Adriatic views: Hvar

20/05/2024 -  Fabio Fiori

"I sailed to Hvar for the first time many years ago, going from island to island, on an insuleidoscopic journey of wonders, where every day it was the wind that decided our route": this is how Fabio Fiori describes his first meeting with the Croatian island

Adriatic-Ionian region, is territorial cooperation still needed?

24/05/2024 -  Giovanni Vale

What developments do cohesion policies foresee? Is the Interreg programme, after over two decades, still valid? We asked Lodovico Gherardi, coordinator of the managing authority (the Emilia Romagna Region) of the Interreg IPA Adrion Programme

Croatia elections: possible scenarios

24/04/2024 -  Dimitri Bettoni

A dialogue with Toni Gabrić, editor in chief of the Croatian independent media H-Alter

Croatia, Plenković against the European Prosecutor's Office

14/03/2024 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

Post-earthquake European funds awarded without tender: according to a journalistic investigation, this is embezzlement. This is where an open conflict arises between the European Prosecutor's Office and Croatian Prime Minister Plenković, which risks having repercussions also on the upcoming legislative elections

KLIK, the Croatian energy cooperative

27/02/2024 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

A women's cooperative that serves as an information point for energy and climate issues: in 2023, KLIK received the European Commission's European Sustainable Energy award for developing an energy community in Croatia "that brings clean energy to citizens"

Croatia, journalists on the streets

02/02/2024 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

Hundreds of journalists took to the streets in Zagreb against the Plenković government's amendments to the Criminal Code, which limit the right to report. According to the Association of Croatian Journalists, the prime minister wants to silence investigations into his government's corruption

Croatia, the assault on the local press

12/01/2024 -  Giovanni Vale Zagabria

2024 is the year of elections for Croatia: European, political and presidential elections will take place between next June and December. And with the electoral competitions, the race for control of the local media, particularly the regional ones, is gaining ground in a hardly transparent way

Croatia: fighting femicides

07/12/2023 -  Jelena Prtorić

The Croatian government has announced its intention to recognise feminicide as a distinct type of crime. An important novelty - but a much broader social change is needed, warn those fighting for women's rights

Krk at full solar

23/10/2023 -  Nicole CorritoreDavide Sighele

Decarbonise, decentralise, democratise. These are the three Ds of a possible energy revolution that some citizens are carrying out on the Croatian island of Krk through the installation of many photovoltaic systems and the establishment of an energy community. An interview

Oluja, the story of Nikola

06/10/2023 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

Nikola was just a few months old when, in August 1995, his family – together with the other 200,000 people of Serbian nationality, left Croatia in a hurry. After living in Serbia for fifteen years, he returned to Croatia where he attended high school and where he still lives and works. We met him

Marco Polo, homo adriaticus in spite of everything

28/08/2023 -  Giovanni Vale Korčula

Where was Marco Polo born? What is his native country? A question that made little sense in the 13th century – everything was under the control of the Republic of Venice – is nowadays a source of debates, especially between Croatia and Italy. A new project tries to overcome them

Croatia, the new media bill is dangerous

27/07/2023 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

“I don't know who wrote this bill, but I suspect that the main intention was to divide the Croatian media, creating havoc in the sector”, said Hrvoje Zovko, the president of the Association of Croatian Journalists (HND). We met him in Zagreb

In Croatia, firefighters brace for climate change

27/07/2023 -  Chiara Marchesini Zagreb

Among the effects of climate change are so-called extreme wildfires. In Croatia, large fires in open spaces present a particular problem. We met with the Croatian Association of Firefighters to find out how they are facing up to new challenges

Croatia shows how to deal with the worst wildfires

05/07/2023 -  Chiara Marchesini Zagreb

Last year Croatia’s coastal region was hit by an intense wave of forest fires, one of the worst in recent years. But the country has been gearing up to cope – partly thanks to EU funding.

Ponikve, together all is possible

23/08/2023 -  Davide Sighele

We went to explore how a multi-service utility company works on the island of Krk. And to understand how it manages to attract and invest European resources, to face the challenges of an island with a high tourist attraction, towards sustainable development

David Pejić, “Best European organic farmer”

24/07/2023 -  Giovanni Vale

David Pejić, born in 1990, won the European Commission award for "Best European organic farmer" last September. David is at the helm of the oldest organic farm in Croatia and his is a very unusual story that crosses agriculture and philosophy

Croatia: at least 945 ongoing lawsuits against journalists and media outlets

25/05/2023 -  Monika Kutri*

At least 945 lawsuits against the media and journalists are currently active in Croatia, according to the results of a survey conducted by the Croatian Journalists' Association for the fifth year in a row. This outcome confirms the high-level pressure that journalists are subjected to from politicians, various actors in the economic sector, and public institutions

Croatia, Fearless project: demining completed

19/07/2023 -  Nicole Corritore

Croatia's strategic goal is to clear the country of landmines by 2026, as foreseen in the National Demining Programme. A third of the remaining contaminated territory will be reclaimed thanks to European cohesion funds

The Žitna lađa, traditions along the Kupa

31/08/2023 -  Giovanni Vale

Through entrepreneurial initiative, Ana and Jasmina have managed to bring back to life a story – that of river navigation – which involves different territories. The last episode of our report dedicated to the Kupa

Lubenice: starting back from a museum

12/07/2023 -  Nicole Corritore

In Lubenice, a tiny village in the heart of the island of Cres, there is a museum devoted to sheep farming. Symbol of a territory that, telling about itself, wants to reinterpret and continue in its traditions. We met Marijana Dlačić, its president

Cres: Irena, Guerino, and San Martino medicinal herbs

28/06/2023 -  Davide Sighele

In San Martino in Valle, on the island of Cres, the distillation of medicinal herbs boasts a centuries-old tradition. Today, it is kept alive by Irena and her husband Guerino

Baška, tourism, its limits

25/05/2023 -  Nicole CorritoreDavide Sighele Krk

As in other areas of the Croatian coast, also in Baška, a municipality on the southern tip of the island of Krk, the local administration is facing depopulation in the winter months and saturation in the summer ones. We talked about it with its mayor, Toni Juranić

Rivers of the Balkans: the Kupa of Karlovac

23/05/2023 -  Giovanni Vale

Few cities can boast of being crossed by four rivers. Karlovac is one of them. Kupa, Dobra, Korana, and Mrežnica. A river city that saw its golden age towards the end of the eighteenth century. Our reportage continues along the Kupa River

Islands in Croatia: Otra, development agency

20/04/2023 -  Nicole CorritoreDavide Sighele Cres

In Cres and nearby Losinj there are many territorial development projects that can be promoted thanks to the support of the European Union. But nothing could be done without those who care about the future of local communities

Cres, the sheep, Europe

12/04/2023 -  Davide Sighele

Local official in the morning, farmer in the afternoon. Franjo Toic is the emblem of what Europe can be: local, global, with a strong civic and community sense. An encounter

Croatia: mines still kill

15/02/2023 -  Nicole Corritore

Despite the extensive demining programme of recent years – also made possible by EU cohesion funds – the mines from the 1990s conflict still claim victims in Croatia