Raffele Fitto © Pierre Teyssot/Shutterstock

Raffele Fitto © Pierre Teyssot/Shutterstock

Italian Raffaele Fitto is expected to become vice-president in the next European Commission led by von der Leyen. Fitto will be entrusted with the delegation for Cohesion and Reforms, a key role at the European level in terms of political influence and budget management

25/09/2024 -  Sukanya Sengupta

With a one-week delay, on September 17, the European Commission’s President von der Leyen unveiled the composition of the new College of Commissioners that will lead EU policies for the next five years. 26 Commissioner-Designates, one for each member state, including six Executive Vice-Presidents, four women and two men.

The Italian politician Raffaele Fitto has been designated Executive Vice-President for Cohesion and Reforms. Fitto, who served as  Minister for European Affairs, the South, Cohesion Policy, and the NRRP in Meloni’s government, previously served as Minister of Territorial Cohesion (2010-2011), and the Minister of Regional Affairs (2008-2010). From 2019 to 2022, he also co-chaired the European Conservatives and Reformists Group in the European Parliament.

Fitto expressed his gratitude and emphasized that his designation as Executive Vice President is a great recognition for Italy: "I am honored by the nomination received from Ursula von der Leyen, and I thank her for the esteem and trust she has shown me with this choice."

In his role, Fitto will be responsible for the portfolio of cohesion policy, regional development, and cities . As the main framework for territorial development in the EU, cohesion policy is one of the biggest policies budget-wise: for the financial period 2021-2027, resources dedicated to cohesion amount to more than EUR 377 billion, approximately 35% of the total EU budget.

In light of the overarching Political Guidelines , his primary tasks will be to modernize and strengthen EU investments in cohesion and just transition, promoting climate neutrality, digitalisation, and economic resilience. He is also tasked with ensuring progress towards climate neutrality and contributing to the Climate Adaptation Plan, European Water Resilience Strategy, and the Just Transition Fund (JTF).

As a part of his mandate, he will oversee the NextGenerationEU and its central instrument, the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), a €723 billion financial instrument set up by the Europen Commission to help Member States recover from the economic and social consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. As stressed in his Mission Letter , he is expected to work with the Commissioner-Designate for Economy and Productivity, and local and regional authorities and stakeholders to ensure the proper implementation of Member States’ Recovery and Resilience Plans (RRP) by 2026.

A key focus area of his work will be to help local economies reorient themselves, especially those which have been directly affected by Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. All this, while ensuring that European policies rightly align with the evolving needs of European citizens and diverse regions.

Like all other Commissioner-Designates, Fitto will now have to obtain the approval of the European Parliament, with confirmation hearings expected to start in the coming weeks.



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