Fabio Fiori | 17 December 2024

Pesaro is a city balancing between the Adriatic and the Apennines, people-friendly and bycicle-friendly. Our Fabio Fiori invites us to discover it on pedals, moving beyond its squares to venture into the streets and paths that descend to the sea

Topolò, Europe. Topolò, Italian-Slovenian border

Perhaps one of the most photographed places in Friuli in the last thirty years, during the 29 editions of Stazione Topolò-Postaja Topolove. How to represent it in images, after hundreds or perhaps thousands of shots have captured and narrated glimpses and suggestions, moments of art, experiences, and installations? This gallery retraces our reconnaissance in search of voices to recount that end and a new beginning, to glean crumbs of history from Caporetto to Gladio and Brussels, and show the faces, hands, gazes of the six protagonists of our audio report. Not so much to compose a portrait as to provide a few snapshots.

Dinalpconnect: environmental protection beyond borders

The Julian Prealps Regional Natural Park and the nearby Triglav National Park have collaborated for years. Among the recent joint projects, Dinalpconnect aims to create ecological continuity between the Dinaric mountains and the Alps

Mediafreedom ECPMF

ENI sues a representative of ReCommon over an interview given to Italian public media
21/11/2024 - ENI sues a representative of ReCommon over an interview given to Italian public media. The CASE Italia Coalition: 'W...
Italy: MFRR calls for constructive dialogue on media freedom recommendations
2/8/2024 - The Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) partners stand in solidarity with journalists in Italy and call for an immed...
Silencing the Fourth Estate: Italy’s democratic drift
21/5/2024 - Media freedom coalition sounds the alarm on political meddling and legal threats to journalism
MFRR to conduct an urgent mission to Italy amid worsening state of media freedom
8/5/2024 - The growing pressure on press freedom in Italy has prompted the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) consortium to or...