North Macedonia - Articoli

Rastanski Lozja: Acquitted!

27/04/2005 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

The most traumatic case in Macedonian judicial history, the "Rastanski Lozja" case, came to an end. The senior members of the Macedonian intelligence and police, accused of murdering six Pakistani and one Indian in 2002, to present it as an act against international terrorism, have been all acquitted

Macedonian Local Elections: Rush for Mayors

02/03/2005 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

On March 13 around 1.700.000 voters in Macedonia will go to the polls to elect mayors and councilors for 84 municipalities.This is will be the first test of the country's political maturity after the submission of the EU Questionnaire in Brussels earlier this month

Macedonia: The Turkish Enlargement

24/01/2005 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

The December 2004 Summit of the EU was marked by the historic decision to commence membership negotiations with Turkey; still the timeline implied for their completion goes quite beyond 2012. How about Macedonia then? When can she expect to join?

The Oasis of Peace

14/12/2004 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

The Oasis of Peace - this how Macedonian politicians used to refer to their country earlier in the 90s. The conflict arrived in 2001, though Macedonia was lucky to have a more confined one than others around. Still, the country is a fair shareholder in the sad reality of a tormented region

Macedonian Referendum. What's the Time?

03/11/2004 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

On 7 November Macedonians will go out to the polls to support or reject the new law on territorial boundaries.Voices coming from the joint opposition say that these new territorial arrangements create the possibility for the claim of the Greater Albania, the government answers that the success of the referendum would mean "NO" to Europe