North Macedonia - Articoli

Macedonia Recognises Kosovo

13/10/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

After the big vote in the UN General Assembly, the Macedonian Government recognized Kosovo. Despite the bitter reactions of Belgrade, Skopje thinks its decision will strengthen peace and stability in the region

Domino Effect

10/10/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

Financial markets in the Balkans are cracking under the pressure from the global financial crisis. Tuesday (October 7) was a bad day for the Macedonian stock market. Its index, the MBI 10, plunged by almost 8%. The crisis seems to be only now arriving in the region

(When) Will Macedonia Recognize Kosovo?

03/10/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

Some of Macedonia's international partners that support Kosovo's independence, recently reminded Macedonia that it is expected to recognise Pristina. The Albanian political parties in Macedonia are also strongly advocating recognition, yet the government exercises restraint

Mother Theresa of Skopje

04/09/2008 -  Risto Karajkov

Mother Theresa, one of the icons of the 20th century, was born in Skopje. Her place of birth commemorates her with a special award for humanitarian engagement and a Memorial House in the centre of the capital of Macedonia

The Guardian

22/08/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

Stamen Filipov, often referred to as the " legal terminator", is an elderly man living in Skopje, Macedonia. He has chosen an unusual hobby for his quiet days of retirement: he guards the constitution

Macedonian Refugee Children: Exodus Anniversary

12/08/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

This year marks the 60th anniversary of the exodus of the "refugee children" from Aegean Macedonia (Northern Greece). They fled their homes amidst a civil war and when they became adults, could not return to their homes nor claim their land. For the first time ever, the Macedonian government endorsed their demands

Democracy in Macedonia: The Crying Game

25/07/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

On 17 July Mr. Zaev, vice president of the Macedonian social democrats (SDSM) was brought to the Court in Skopje, charged with abuse of office. SDSM and VMRO exchanged accusations: SDSM accused VMRO of dictatorship, VMRO in turn accused SDSM of interfering with the work of judiciary

Boskovski Walks Free

23/07/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

On July 10, after a year in session, the ICTY at The Hague pronounced its verdict in the case of the two indictees from Macedonia. Former Interior Minister Ljube Boskovski was acquitted. Police commander Jovan Tarculovski was sentenced to 12 years

Macedonia Gets New Government

09/07/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

The protracted negotiations for forming the new government in Macedonia were finally brought to an end on the first weekend in July. The VMRO party decided to form a coalition with the Democratic Union for Integration. The big question now is, "Will this arranged marriage work?"

Election Re-Run: Democracy Under Arms

18/06/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

There was a sigh of relief in Macedonia at the closing of polls on Sunday. The re-run of the troubled early national election, held under heavy security arrangements, went quietly. For the international factor, though, despite improvements, the elections failed to meet international standards

Macedonia at the mirror II

13/06/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

Partial rerun will be held in Macedonia on June 15 after irregularities had been found in the country's general election. Our correspondent talks about the current political situation with Daut Dauti, ndependent analyst and political columnist

Macedonia at the mirror I

13/06/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

Partial rerun will be held in Macedonia on June 15 after irregularities had been found in the country's general election. Our correspondent talks about the current political situation with Zidas Daskalovski, professor of political science at Skopje University and president of the Institute for Research and Policy Making

A Huge Victory and a Huge Shame

03/06/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

The Sunday national vote brought a huge victory for ruling VMRO, but also a huge embarrassment for Macedonia.The numerous violent incidents which took place on election day, and even cost human life, pushed the country back on its European path

Elections and Violence. Can Macedonia Rise to the Challenge?

19/05/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

Just a few days into the campaign ahead of 1 June early elections, Macedonia is under serious temptation.The election campaign which officially started 10 May has been marred by incidents and violence since the very beginning. Macedonia has very little time to correct things

The Old Bazaar

08/05/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

The Old Bazaar is the ancient heart of Skopje. Today it's but a pale remnant of what it once was: a bit dirty and dusty, but still brisk and dynamic. The Old Bazaar, though, is waiting for its next rebirth, and to gain back it's central role in the economic and social life of the city

One Way Ticket to Nationalist Ride?

18/04/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

Macedonia will hold early elections on 1 June. This is the first visible impact of the humiliation the country suffered at the NATO summit in Bucharest. The upcoming electoral campain will likely turn into an explosion of national frustration: this is the major threat from these elections

Clouds over Macedonia

09/04/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

It finally did happen. Greece vetoed Macedonia's invitation to join the Alliance at NATO's last week Bucharest summit. The hum of frantic diplomatic activity over the last months ended in a single tone of bitterness

Facts on the Macedonian - Greek Name Dispute

03/04/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

As time to the NATO summit in Bucharest closes in the 16-years long dispute between the Republic of Macedonia and Greece over the name "Macedonia" is entering a critical phase. Here's a short history of the main facts of the name dispute between Skopje and Athens

On a roller coaster

21/03/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

Macedonia is on a roller coster. Too much is happening all at once. Mr. Matthew Nimitz, UN envoy on the name dispute, unveiled three new proposals, the government fell and was stitched back together. But the Bucharest summit is approaching, and time is counting down

Macedonian Name Dispute Enters Critical Week

03/03/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

On March 6 NATO is expected to issue an invitation to the three countries of the Adriatic Group. Whereas Albania and Croatia are safely on their way in, Macedonia has a big problem: Greece said that it would veto Macedonia's entry unless the long-standing name dispute resolved first

Indipendence Day, Macedonia stays calm

21/02/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

In the few days following Kosovo's declaration of independence, Macedonia remains calm. But for how long? February 17 was greeted differently by the country's two major communities. Whereas Macedonians exercised restraint, Albanians rejoiced

Macedonia Silent Ahead of Kosovo Declaration of Independence

14/02/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

Ahead of Kosovo's declaration of independence, which is by all accounts only days away, Macedonia is seemingly at ease. Nothing indicates heightened concern or tension. Strategic silence or silence due to lack of strategy?

The Human Toll of Keeping Peace

11/02/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

In Macedonia, sending troops abroad has become business, or rather politics, since everybody understands the political imperative of pleasing Nato and the Eu. Yet, as the country learned recently, with the death of 11 peacekeepers on their way back home, some will never return

An uneasy choice, name or Nato?

04/01/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

As time to the NATO summit in Bucharest closes in the 16-years long dispute between the Republic of Macedonia and Greece over the name "Macedonia" is entering a critical phase. Both sides increase speed, but without compromise, the crash seems inevitable

Name dispute enters critical phase

03/01/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

As time to the NATO summit in Bucharest closes in the 16-years long dispute between the Republic of Macedonia and Greece over the name "Macedonia" is entering a critical phase. Both sides increase speed, but without compromise, the crash seems inevitable

Macedonia: Six Killed in Police Raid in around Tetovo

13/11/2007 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

Six men were killed and 13 were arrested in action of the special forces of Macedonian police in the village of Brodec, Tetovo region, on the morning of 7 November. The operation, code name "Mountain Storm", which took place in the early morning hours, was completely unexpected

The Loss of an Icon

07/11/2007 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

Toshe Proeski, Macedonia's greatest pop star died in a tragic car accident, near Nova Gradiska in Croatia, on 16 October 2007. Macedonia lost not merely a star, but a humanist and a unifier, someone who could unify people Macedonians with Albanians, and former Yugoslavs, too.

The End of a Bad Privatization

05/10/2007 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

Macedonia has to pay USD 53 million to Hellenic Petroleum, the Greek company which owns the only oil refinery in the country, "Okta", near Kumanovo, said a Court of Arbitration in Paris last month. And this is likely the tip of an iceberg, say experts

Macedonia, the 'battlefield' of democracy

01/10/2007 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

A woman MP was threatened by death, a journalist was battered by police, and parliament had its first fist fight. That is the outcome of the last few days of democracy in Macedonia.

Politicians on trial: the Buckovski case

10/09/2007 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

Mr. Buckovski is the first ever former prime minister to appear before a judge and answer to charges, since the Macedonian parliament voted to strip his immunity after a heated debate between mayority and opposition parties