Serbia - Articoli

Serbia: propaganda and control on the web

28/03/2017 -  Rossella Vignola

The impact of cyber-attacks, digital surveillance and sophisticated techniques of computational propaganda is growing. The case of Serbia in an interview with Vladan Joler, director of Share Foundation

The suspended time of Belgrade's kafanas

09/05/2017 -  Giovanni Vale Belgrado

Places suspended in time, far from the bustle of the capital and the high tech kitchens: these are the Belgrade kafana which tell the story of a special soul

The memory of courage and disobedience

22/02/2017 -  Marco Abram

A general who refuses to fight to the last man, a soldier who saves the life of a soldier considered an enemy. What space is there in the public memory for these testimonies?

Serbia: how the authorities block access to information

23/02/2017 -  Simon Lenormand

Serbia has one of the best laws in the world to guarantee public access to information. The problem is, the state does not respect its own laws. And the situation may get worse in the future

Serbia: the hard fight for information

13/02/2017 -  Maja Poznatov

Even though there is a good institutional and legislative framework defending the right to access information of public interest, some crucial issues are still unresolved

Serbia: the moral damage of the Interior Minister

16/01/2017 -  Antonela Riha Belgrado

Interior Minister Nebojša Stefanović sued the weekly NIN and won the case for moral damages as a result of a cover dedicated to Savamala scandal

Serbia needs to investigate asylum seekers push backs

11/01/2017 -  Marzia Bona

A refugee family forced by the police to get off a bus and abandoned in a forest at a temperature of 11 degrees below zero, near the border with Bulgaria. An attempt of illegal expulsion?

Omer Karabeg: The Bridge

30/12/2016 -  Luka Zanoni

For over 20 years, Omer Karabeg has hosted a programme titled Most (Bridge). The show deals with thorny, uncomfortable topics, seeking to create a dialogue between people of different viewpoints

Media in Serbia, someone says no

02/12/2016 -  Luka Zanoni Belgrade

Media lynchings, physical assaults, threats. This is what investigative journalists face in Vučić's Serbia. An interview with Branko Čečen, director of the Center for Investigative Journalism of Serbia (CINS)

Wiki4MediaFreedom in 10 points

16/11/2016 -  Rossella Vignola

On November 21st, OBC Transeuropa organises in Belgrade a writing marathon of Wikipedia entries on press freedom. The initiative is part of a larger project – here it is, in 10 points

Serbia: the Babylonian spirits of Viminacium

07/10/2016 -  Dragan Janjić Belgrade

A few miles from Požarevac, in the archaeological site of Viminacium, an archaeologist known as the “Serbian Indiana Jones” has made some surprising discovers

Kelebija, transit area

29/09/2016 -  Marzia Bona Kelebija

On the border between Serbia and Hungary, the situation is dramatic. Thousands of people, crammed into makeshift camps, are waiting to cross the border into the EU. Reportage

Between defiance and compliance: a new civil society in the post-Yugoslav space?

26/08/2016 -  Tijana Morača

The civic initiative ’We won’t let Belgrade d(r)own’ brought thousands of people on the streets of the Serbian capital in the last months. An Occasional paper

Serbia promisses clean, while investing into dirty energy

08/08/2016 -  Milica Šarić

Serbia has taken a commitment to produce energy from renewable sources, but it is building a new block of Kostolac B thermal power plant which will be using lignite coal

The countries of former Yugoslavia at Rio 2016

04/08/2016 -  Natalia Kawana

Yugoslavia participated in many Summer Olympics, winning a record of 18 medals in 1984. Now its successor states all have hopes for medals, in spite of their young history of participating in the event as independent states

Serbia, censorship according to Aleksandar Vučić

01/08/2016 -  Antonela Riha Belgrade

An exhibition organised by the Serbian Progressive Party of Prime Minister Vučić tries to counter criticism about censorship in the Serbian media. The effect, however, is that of a blacklist

The growing influence of global media in Serbia

12/07/2016 -  Bojan Vučićević

Media Observatory explores the entry and impact of global news media, such as Sputnik and N1, in the Serbian media market

Brexit: the consequences for the EU enlargement

27/06/2016 -  Marzia Bona

The results of the referendum held in the UK will have significant consequences for the process of European integration of the South-Eastern European countries

Serbia, Vučić against RTV

01/06/2016 -  Antonela Riha Belgrade

Thousands of citizens protested in Novi Sad for the dismissal of some managing editors of Radio Television Vojvodina, one of the last media that resisted government control

Savamala, urbanism and politics

31/05/2016 -  Giovanni Vale Belgrade

The story of a district forgotten by the authorities, made alive by citizens, and finally seized by force to build the pharanoic project “Belgrade on water”

The past at stake

07/04/2016 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini Sarajevo

A conversation with Balkan expert Eric Gordy* on international justice and regional spillovers in the aftermath of the Karadžić and Šešelj verdicts

Šešelj verdict: the dissenting judge

08/04/2016 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini Sarajevo

Italian judge Flavia Lattanzi, one of three members of the Trial Chamber in the Vojislav Šešelj judgment, explains her opposition to the majority decision

Serbia: control the media with the help of the media

30/03/2016 -  Dragan Janjić Belgrado

Smothering the freedom of the press using intense media campaigns in tabloids and the television against individual journalists has now become the sad reality of news in Serbia

Hippy Yugoslavia

09/02/2016 -  Azra Nuhefendić

In the Seventies, a group of young hipsters leave Yugoslavia looking for the Buddhist monk Čedomil Veljačič, ending up in Morocco

Serbia: journalists on the streets

20/01/2016 -  Antonela Riha Belgrade

Journalists protest all over Serbia. The Prime Minister, Aleksandar Vučić, says it as an attempt to destabilize the government, and calls for early elections

The Stanišić and Simatović case: the redemption of the ICTY?

18/12/2015 -  Caterina Bonora Sarajevo

The Tribunal's Appeals Chamber orders that the two Serb officials be retried, in contrast with most of the controversial late ICTY jurisprudence

Cenzolovka, in memory of Slavko Ćuruvija

10/11/2015 -  Marzia Bona

The Slavko Ćuruvija Foundation was established in November 2013 in Belgrade with the aim to preserve the heritage of the journalist murdered in 1999, and advance media freedom in Serbia. OBC interviews its executive director Ilir Gaši

A Balkan Odyssey

27/10/2015 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini

The flow of migrants and refugees along the Balkan trail is turning into a humanitarian crisis, with no recognition of the needs of vulnerable categories. Reports of violence by the Bulgarian police

Vukašin Obradović: critical media under fire in Serbia

15/10/2015 -  Dragan Janjić Belgrade

Restrictions on media freedom are becoming more and more common in Serbia. Interview with Vukašin Obradović, president of the Association of Independent Journalists of Serbia (NUNS)

Belgrade, on the trail of refugees

13/10/2015 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini Belgrade

The journey of migrants and refugees from the Serbian capital to the identification camp of Opatovac, in Croatia