Serbia - Articoli

Journalists in Europe: one attack per day

18/08/2020 -  Paola Rosà

The data from the first four months of monitoring by the MFRR consortium confirm a concerning landscape for the safety of journalists and the state of media freedom, both in EU member countries and in countries as Serbia and Turkey

Two voices on Kosovo

08/07/2020 -  Paolo Bergamaschi

A real diplomatic race between the US and the EU has recently started on the Serbia-Kosovo negotiations. The opinion of Lulzim Peci of the Kosovar Institute for Political Research and Development and Sonja Biserko, founder and president of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia

Serbia, the election of losers

02/07/2020 -  Florian Bieber

Everyone ended up losing in Serbia's recent political elections. President Vučić, because his authoritarian regime has been exposed; the opposition, because the boycott led to nothing; the EU, because it appears less and less capable to foster democratic processes in the area

Serbia: dangerous liaisons

18/06/2020 -  Antonela Riha Belgrade

On the eve of the elections, yet another scandal invests Serbia's leadership. A photograph portrays the son of President Vučić at a bar in the company of some other people, including a member of a mafia clan

Serbia after Covid-19: "best economy in Europe"?

17/06/2020 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

Despite the pompous statements by President Aleksandar Vučić on the economic solidity of Serbia after Covid-19, supported by the Minister of Finance, the situation presents more than one weakness

Trump, elections, and the Balkans

09/06/2020 -  Paolo Bergamaschi

Elections for the US presidency are approaching and Donald Trump is determined to score some foreign policy success for his election campaign. He failed with Kim Jong-un and North Korea. Why not try the agreement between Serbia and Kosovo?

Not just apps: privacy, personal data and COVID-19 in the western Balkans

19/05/2020 -  Federico Caruso

The measures adopted by some Balkan countries to contain the pandemic have raised perplexity in associations and researchers who deal with privacy and digital rights. Emergency actions, derogating from the national rules of law, could translate into mass surveillance tools.

Serbia, pots against the regime

06/05/2020 -  Antonela Riha Belgrade

While Serbia is awaiting the revocation of the state of emergency, some citizens have been protesting against the government by beating on pots from the balconies for days. On the other hand, hooligans loyal to power roam the rooftops threatening public security and democracy itself

Željko Bodrožić: the state of emergency smothers the Serbian media

17/04/2020 -  Dragan Janjić Belgrade

According to Željko Bodrožić, president of the Association of Independent Journalists of Serbia (NUNS), the state of emergency has only worsened the situation of non-aligned media, often subject to the discredit of the media controlled by power

More and more school trips to the Balkans

15/04/2020 -  Marco Abram

Are the histories of the former Yugoslavia and Albania finally entering Europe’s space of memory? A constantly increasing number of Italian school trips to the region gives us reason to hope so

Serbia, coronavirus, and autocracy

08/04/2020 -  Antonela Riha Belgrade

The Covid-19 pandemic is likely to be used by the Serbian authorities to violate the Constitution, break laws, and even formally attempt to introduce censorship – all this by manipulating citizens' fears

Branko Čečen: let us do our job

03/04/2020 -  Branko Čečen Belgrade

A comment by the director of Serbia's Center for Investigative Journalism after the Serbian government recently introduced a measure that restricts freedom of information during a state of emergency. A ruling that the Serbian Prime Minister declared will be withdrawn

Saša Ilić, deconstructing institutions

07/04/2020 -  Francesca Rolandi Belgrade

Writer and journalist Saša Ilić was awarded the prestigious NIN literary prize for best novel of the year in 2019. We interviewed him and talked about psychiatry, Yugoslavia, the Divine Comedy, and refugees

Serbia: elections are approaching, pressure on the media is growing

04/02/2020 -  Dragan Janjić Belgrade

The Telekom company, of which the state is the majority owner, has removed from its cable offer N1, the only television network aimed at the general public that also presents critical positions towards the current majority

Serbia, Europe's most polluted country

23/01/2020 -  Antonela Riha Belgrado

Serbia sets the pollution record in Europe: the Kostolac B thermal power plant alone emits more sulfur dioxide per year than all the thermal power plants in Germany combined. And Serbia does not seem willing to spend the funds received on loan from various international agencies for environmental protection

Serbia: who profits from arms sales?

28/10/2019 -  Antonela Riha Belgrade

In the arms trafficking scandal recently exposed in Serbia, a state-owned company was allegedly damaged to the advantage of a private company that involved the father of the Minister of the Interior. The whistleblower ended up in jail

Kiš, Europe, and us

16/10/2019 -  Božidar Stanišić

On the 15th of October 1989 died, in Paris, Danilo Kiš (1935-1989), the last great Yugoslav writer. A comment by Božidar Stanišić

Balkans: the tired Media Days

25/09/2019 -  Matteo Trevisan

Three years after its first edition, the impression that emerges from the Media Days – an event promoted by the EU Commission in the Balkans – is that of a telenovela with a predictable ending, where the characters move within a well-defined perimeter. But the region's media need more

Serbia, Maja Pavlović's hunger strike

29/08/2019 -  Jelka Jovanović Belgrade

It's her third hunger strike over a year. The reason is always the same: to draw attention to the terrible state of the Serbian media, in particular her Kanal 9, one of the first private broadcasters in Serbia

Serbia: the opposition seen as an enemy

01/07/2019 -  Dragan Janjić Belgrade

Opposition protests against Vučić's government continue in Serbia. But the manipulations, mainstream media's propaganda, and the government's hate speech are likely to lead to violence

Farewell to Dejan Anastasijević, master of journalism

06/05/2019 -  Boro Kontić

Boro Kontić, chief editor of the Sarajevo Media Centar, remembers Dejan Anastasijević: "A man who was a professional in the true sense of the word, honest and determined, always well informed and witty, a man who made Serbian journalism better"

Kosovo – Serbia, a stranded dialogue

29/04/2019 -  Majlinda Aliu Pristina

After starting with great expectations, the EU-mediated dialogue process between Kosovo and Serbia is now stalled after the introduction by Prishtina of custom tariffs on Serbian products and sterile proposals to exchange territories

Serbia: new, heavy pressures on independent media

12/04/2019 -  Vukašin Obradović Belgrade

Yet another worrying case of threats and pressure on Serbian media not aligned with power. This time, targets include our Belgrade correspondent Dragan Janjić

The internal dialogue in Serbia: rejecting the normalisation of relations with Kosovo

20/03/2019 -  Katarina TadićAgon Demjaha

In 2017 Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić launched the "Internal Dialogue on Kosovo". Purpose? In words, to consult in an inclusive way the Serbian society on potential solutions related to Kosovo. That didn't really happen

Serbia: the prime minister's child

01/03/2019 -  Antonela Riha Belgrade

The fact that the Serbian prime minister recently had a child from her partner does not make her legally a parent. In fact, Serbia lacks a law on same-sex marriages. Could this be the chance?

Serbia, media and power

13/02/2019 -  Francesco Martino

More and more power in the hands of President Aleksandar Vučić, mainstream press too friendly with power, growing difficulties for independent journalism. Serbia's media today, told by Stevan Dojčinović, director of the KRIK investigative portal

Kosovo starts trade war against Serbia

29/11/2018 -  Majlinda Aliu Pristina

The Kosovo government decided to impose 100% customs duties against Serbia and Bosnia Herzegovina. A decision strongly criticized by Brussels, and which risks further damaging the fragile dialogue with Belgrade

Serbia: Hitler, caricature artist and media freedom

21/11/2018 -  Antonela Riha Belgrade

The media situation in Serbia continues to deteriorate. Recent events show that government repression of few remaining non-aligned media has become routine. According to RWB, Serbia has the worst media situation in all the Balkans

The last ones: Serbian and Russian prisoners on the Alpine front

02/11/2018 -  Marco Abram

A hundred years after the end of the World War I, the experience of Russian and Serbian war prisoners in the Alps remains almost unknown or forgotten. Thousands of them were employed as workforce by the Austro-Hungarian troops

"Border correction", a dangerous game

12/10/2018 -  Majlinda Aliu Pristina

In recent months there has been an increasing talk of a swap of territories between Serbia and Kosovo: a solution that raises concerns and question marks. The debate among the Kosovo Albanians