The panel explored the innovations included in the European Media Freedom Act, focussing on how the challenging attempt to harmonise the norms and provisions that regulate journalism in the different member states can either promote or curb the free exercise of the profession and the rights to freedom of expression in the European space.

Speakers’ list and bios

24/10/2023 - 

Gianluca Amadori is a journalist for Il Gazzettino di Venezia for which he has been covering judicial reporting for more than 30 years. In the past, he collaborated from Venice for the Corriere della Sera and the weekly Panorama. He was president of the Veneto Journalists' Association for 16 years. For two years he has been a member of the Executive of the National Council of the Order of Journalists.

Dimitri Bettoni is a researcher and project coordinator for OBC Transeuropa and Dublin City University, he has a PhD in journalism, security and surveillance. She works mainly on the intersection of journalism and the digital world, with a focus on human rights. In Turkey, he worked as a correspondent for OBCT, the Italian newspaper Il Manifesto and Atlante, the online magazine of the Treccani encyclopedic institute. Founding member of the Foreign Media Association in Turkey.

Elda Brogi is EUI Part-Time Professor and Scientific Coordinator of the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom. Member of EDMO, European Digital Media Observatory, and former member of EDMO Executive Board. Elda Brogi’s main interests span Constitutional, European, Media and Internet law. She holds a degree in Law (University of Florence), a Ph.D. in Public Law and Constitutional Law (University La Sapienza, Rome) and she is an Italian qualified lawyer. She teaches Communication Law at the University of Florence.

Elda has worked at the European and Italian Parliaments assisting and advising MPs on media policies and legislation, electronic communications regulation, freedom of expression, human rights, governance, drafting and better regulation. 

Dimitri Deliolanes is a Greek-born journalist who moved to Italy at the age of 13 and studied at the Faculty of Political Science at Rome's La Sapienza University. A keen eye on developments in Greek and Italian society, Deliolanes was the Italian correspondent for the Greek radio and television station ERT for more than 30 years and actively collaborates with newspapers such as 'Il Manifesto', 'Internazionale', 'Limes' and 'Alfabeta2'. He has published in Greek a history of the Red Brigades (1992) and an unauthorised biography of Silvio Berlusconi (2010). In Italian he has written for Fandango Come la Grecia (2011), Alba Dorata (2013) and La sfida di Atene. Alexis Tsipras against the Europe of austerity (2015).

Oliver Money-Kyrle is a media development expert and press freedom activist with over twenty years’ experience defending the rights of journalists in Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Turkey. He joined IPI in September 2019 to head up the #FreeTurkeyJournalists campaign. Prior to that he was the Director of Projects with the International Federation of Journalists managing their global programmes and campaigns on journalists’ rights. He holds a BA in Political Science from the University of Bristol and a Graduate Certificate in Project Management from Boston University Brussels.

Renate Schroeder is the Director of the European Federation of Journalists, In 1993 she joined the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and has worked since 2003  for the EFJ. Advocacy at EU and Council of Europe level; presentation of EFJ at international meetings and fact-finding media freedom missions; member of juries of journalistic prizes, project work, expert on journalism related themes, communication and assistance in several EFJ expert groups including on freelancers,   media literacy, broadcasting and digital journalism, cover her work-load in the small dynamic Brussels office. She studied International Relations and Political Science at Boston University (Bachelor’s Degree in 1988) and in Berlin at the Free University (Masters in 1992). She worked at the Friedrich-Ebert Foundation in Brussels before she joined the EFJ.  She is of German nationality and speaks English, French, Italian, German and Spanish (passive).

Eva Simon is a lawyer working as a senior advocacy officer at the Civil Liberties Union for Europe, a Berlin-based network organization. Eva leads the Tech & Rights team at Liberties, where she does policy and advocacy work at the EU level, focusing on freedom of speech, data protection, privacy, and AI. She has been working in the field of media law for more than 15 years.