Three cities of the Western Balkans that have in common an industrial past and present.
Three cities that share the drama of high pollution and an incidence of tumors far above the average of the respective countries. Elbasan in Albania, Zenica in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and finally Pančevo in Serbia: three feature stories and three photo galleries. A new dossier by OBC.
One of the most polluted cities in Europe, home of a large industrial district during Socialist Yugoslavia, Pančevo suffered the devastating consequences of the NATO bombings of 1999. It is now slowly rising up. A video-report
Interviews: Nicole Corritore, Davide Sighele
Camera: Andrea Pandini
Editing: Davide Sighele
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Environment protection
The environment as a local resource is an overarching topic within the SeeNet II Programme in its aim to strengthen local governance and development. Some of the actions in the Western Balkans are specifically linked to the enhancement of rural areas and nature in the Region
The decentralised cooperation Programme SeeNet II, led by the region of Tuscany and co-financed by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, involves 6 Regions, the Autonomous province of Trento, Italian civil society and 47 local authorities in Sout-east Europe. Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso is the partner for analysis and information dissemination. Read more >